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James Vigil

COMM 200

Profile Story

Chuck Haga

UND Senior Aubrey Hamilton

The University of North Dakota’s Class of 2022 will be Graduating on May 14. One of

the names that will be announced is Aubrey Hamilton, followed by applause. Aubrey will have

earned her degree in Marketing. “When I walk across the stage, I think I will mostly feel proud.

Proud of myself for getting here and proud of my friends.” She added, “I will also feel a little

sadness because of all the reflection I’ll be doing, but mostly happy.”

There are certain times in life that are appropriate for lots of reflection. As a senior that

is about to graduate, that certainly is a good time to do so. Aubrey recalled the person she was

at the start of her four-year academic journey in Grand Forks compared to who she is now. “I

feel like I have changed a lot, but not at all, if you know what I mean,” she laughed. “My

freshman year I was very headstrong, outgoing and silly.” Now, at 21 years old she still

considers herself obstinate, “but I’ve grown to be more understanding of other people’s views

and opinions, even though it is not natural for me. Over the past four years I’ve matured and

become more sophisticated.” The biggest lesson she’s learned is, “you are the only person

looking out for you. You are the only person that cares about you as much as you do. You must

advocate for yourself and be confident in yourself.” Aubrey has put her own advice to practice.

She participated in many clubs including the UND Sales Team where she had the opportunity to

compete in a tournament in Georgia this past March. A couple weeks ago the team took fourth
place in another competition in the Twin Cities. She is a part of Student Ambassadors, Mortar

Board, and will graduate with honors.

In November she had already locked down a post-graduation job in sales. “I feel very

ready. I think of myself as a good planner.” She described her mindset going into the next

chapter of her life. “It is a good thing to be moving on. You have to look at it like that. Control

what you can control and go from there.” Aubrey is grateful to be surrounded with support

from her family, friends, and therapist. According to the United States Census Bureau 58% of

adults aged 18-24 lived with their parents in 2021. Aubrey is planning on doing the same. “I

am grateful for the relationship I have with my parents,” she answered, “they have been very

supportive and let me know that I can stay for as long as I need to.” She remarked that her goal

was to be out by 23 years old, but there are a lot of potential factors. She also commented that

living with your parents after college is not a good fit for everyone. “If you have a career with a

well-paying job, it makes sense not to. I don’t know, everyone has a different situation.”

Being in your 20s can be an exciting time. Aubrey is looking forward to starting her

career and “making real money.” She expressed, “I am ready to be done with college. I

sometimes feel like I am just around little kids.” However, this stage of life can also be scary. “I

am mostly worried about leaving my friends, working 9-5, realizing that I have chosen the

wrong career, and failing at it.” She later affirmed that right now she is confident in her career

path decision.

When she was 17 years old, a junior in high school, Aubrey recalled she was very naïve.

“I was focused on popularity and going out. I have finally started to get my priorities straight,

but I’m still working on it.” At that time, she thought her life would be a little bit different, at
one point considering med-school. She also had the mindset of “career over everything” but

now she has believed more in a balance of life and work.

Aubrey recently had a conversation with her mom about five and ten-year plans.

“When looking that far ahead in the future everything is in loose terms,” she noted, “I want to

be self-sufficient and be working hard in my career. I want to be mentoring others and giving

back to the community. Maybe I’ll be married.” She mentioned how she wants to travel and

own an investment property.

During all this reflection as she prepares for graduation, she asserted the greatest advice

she would give to her 18-year-old self is, “Be confident in who you are and continue to work

hard. Prove your confidence with your work ethic. Be kind and try to be the best version of


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