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Practical Research

1. Full name, age, preferred program after Senior High School

 My name is Andrea Petetricia E. Giron. I am 17 years of age and I would like to
take up Political Science or Mass Communication in the near future.

2. Skills, favorite reading material

 I have quite a few skills but the ones I excel in the most are radio broadcasting
and doing calligraphy. My favorite reading material is a book entitled, “The
Alchemist” because it gives such a profound perspective to life, for a book that
light to read. It tells a tale of generic premise: a young man chasing his dream,
with not so generic experience, thought, and perspective. It’s also of use in real
life because of how it shows us the common difficulties while following our
dream and how to deal with it. Lastly, it has several quotes that provide me with
motivation whenever I need it.

3. Dreams and aspirations

 Like other aspiring teenagers, I dream to become successful in the future. I want
to be able to live my life to the fullest without worrying about negativity so I
aspire to achieve all my goals in life. For now, I am working hard to be able to
finish Senior High School, take up a course in college, hopefully graduate and
get a masters degree. I want to land a long-term job or if not, set up my own
business because ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to give back to my
parents for all the hardwork and sacrifice they have done for me. I want to help
them send my siblings to college so they can relax and just enjoy life already. I
aspire to never give up on anything no matter what life throws my way because
God knows my strength and how tough I am and he knows what I can handle.
My goal is to be the best I can be to my family, and to make more money within
the years to come so I can do whatever I want to and help people along the way.

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