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Hello everyone, my name is Shaanay Thavani, I am 14 years old and I am studying

in Vibgyor school. I like to meet many different people and collaborate with them.
I have found just the right place, EUMIND. This is my second year in EUMIND
and I have enjoyed it a lot so far. When I first joined here, I never thought that I
will be able to meet and display my talent to international people. Along with
that, it has also taught me how to work in a team, develop leadership qualities, and
public speaking; with confidence and consistency. This has helped me to overcome
my stage fright and made me confident about becoming a leader next year. In, my
opinion this is the best opportunity to be prepared for the future and to embrace
your practical life. This year, I was assigned the topic of Art. I do not like arts at
all, but I still took efforts towards it like asking questions and looking at YouTube
videos for help. We had to make two paintings and I had learned a lot while
making them, like pencil shading, abstract art, etc. I also researched about an
Famous artist and now its a part of my general knowledge. So, basically EUMIND
has made me commit to my goal and be consistent towards it. I have already had a
lot of times where these have come handy. So, If you are planning to join
EUMIND, don't hesitate!! It is the best place for the people who want to travel
around the world in the future and I am sure that you will do great here.

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