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Assalammualaikum wr wr

Good morning Miss Gendhis, good morning my friends

Thank you for the opportunity given to me this morning

First off all. I want to introduce my self

My name is Noura. I’m 12 years old. I’m in sixth grade of elementary school

Today I would like to tell you about “My Future”

After graduation my elementary school, I will continue my study in Angkasa Junior High School and
for Senior High School, I will go to SMAN 5 Bekasi. After that I want to take a collage scholarship for
study abroad.

In my future, I want to be a Graphic Designer and Violinist

Because My hobbies are creating graphic design such as doing photo editing, video editing,
photographic. And also I love music, I love listening music in all genres. Playing violin is one of my
favorite musical instrument.

I like doing my hobbies in my free time, it can make me feel happy.

I hope in my future, my hobbies become my goals.

There is also no instant way in achieving the goals. Everything must do requires a process.

Because of that I must study hard, always practice violin, and doing some research of graphic design.

That’s all for this time being for me, thank you very much for your attention

Wassalammualaikum wr wb

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