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Arelis Mariela Pirir Xuyá. 9no.


I was a visual person, i prefered listening, i was so quiet and shy

Now i really love sketch and draw, tranpost to a differrent world
My dream board i wish to travel the world
How do you visualize in your life can be a important questions
This visions guide me in my life
I won´t give up with my dream
I chose to study broad casting
This is the time that you trying things
And god guide me to another change
I true in myself
I always had a dream board
I use my plataform or websittes to send a message to people that need some help
This is a example for you big or small dream that you need to trust that is
possible, because nothing is impossible
If you can visualize yourself can see that you can do it and trust
Visualize what it is you want then go after it.

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