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Garcia, Christian Scyler C.


A Fantasy I Wish to Live in

Everyone has a fantasy which they wished to live in and I myself wish to live in a world
where I can express myself fully with no worries, problems, limitations and can do anything I
want to or in other words a place to escape reality. Everyone has different ideas on what kind of
fantasy world they want to go to and my idea of fantasy may be the same as others but a little

A fantasy I wished for is where I can release my anger towards the world, I want to do
the things I like and the things I have missed when I was just a child, hangout with my friends,
and I wish in that fantasy that I have parents that can respect and support on the choices and
dreams I want to achieve because I have been yearning for years. I wish in that fantasy is that I
can no longer worry about making mistakes and worry if those mistakes can lead to a dark future
or even my downfall. I wish in this world I had a skill that can see the different outcomes of my
decision and tell me if it’s the right choice or not. I want in this world for the time to stop in
order for me to have unlimited time with my friends just talking, bonding, and achieving our
dream together. I also wish that I can now learn/ know who I really am and answer the question
I’ve been waiting to be answered. I also want no other people to decide on what will be my
future because it's not making me happy. Lastly, I also wish for the last time to finally find what
makes me happy.

Oh, I wish for this fantasy to come true and have a chance to live there but this is just an
imagination, a mere wish which can never happen. Reality will keep reminding me that I can
never escape, and I need to muster up my courage to face the real world. Reality wants to teach
me that if I keep trying to ignore the real world, I will really never achieve my dreams and I will
never get the answers I need.

Now I realize that the real-world may be cruel and hard but sometimes it is better than the
fantasy that I am wishing for since I can never change and still be naïve/ignorant about how I
will conquer the harsh world. Maybe the real-world is a teacher and guidance that I need to
achieve some of the wishes I wished in a fantasy world.

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