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I believe that this is a place that can help me not only academically, but in many other ways.

I see this university

as a perfect place to start a prosperous media related career, via its resources and connections. I also think that it
will not only better myself as a media student, but also as a person going into the world of work. I just overall
think that this course would be a smart decision for my future.

I am very passionate about filmmaking and the process that goes into it. I have always been a very creative
person, but it was only a few years ago were I realised that film was the perfect medium to help me pursue my
creative visions, and make my ideas into reality. I hope that in the future, I will be able to strengthen my skills to
a point were a can freely make films cantered around my ideas, to a level that many others will watch and enjoy
them. For where I am now, I confidently believe that I’m quite professional with my work, and have a very
good grasp of the creative process of films. I am quite proficient in many different fields inside the course, such
as Directing, producing and cinematography. Overall, I do feel that I have the necessary skills that this course
asks for, and can see myself vastly improving from its given knowledge.

As far as previous studies, I have a good amount of past education. I have done 2 years of studies at college, on
a level 3 media course. In this course, I have learned a range of skills that are extremely beneficial to this course,
such as knowing how to use equipment and setting up shoots, even to learning things like how to relate and get
the best out of your actors.

In terms of related experience from outside of my education, there are a few that would benefit me in terms of
this course. Thinking about media related activities that I have done, there are a couple that I think directly
apply. Firstly, for a very long time, one of my biggest hobbies has been photography. I have always liked using
my phone, whenever I’m out, and finding good locations to take pictures. I believe this is relevant as it has
helped me to gain a keen eye for cinematography, and I can notice the appeal of how certain shots and locations
may look on camera. Looking into other relatable hobbies, I do also make films in my spare time. By this I
mean that I don’t just make films for my briefs, I enjoying making films just for the fun of it, and to improve my
skills as a filmmaker.

I have a decent amount of volunteer work for someone at my level. In terms of with my college, I have worked
with them on events for the course, playing a role in helping everything go as well as it can. An example of this
is when we had a portmanteau film showing. I made a short film prior to go into this, and on the night, I ran the
stand selling food and drink, helping to increase the overall profit of the event. I also have related working
experience from outside of the college. In late 2022, I worked with a local personal trainer business to created
adverts for their business. They were very happy with the results, and the experience helped me to gain some
experience in the real world of media.

My overall end goal for not only this course, but as a man in this industry, is to become a professional
filmmaker in the industry. I want to be able to make a living of taking my ideas, and with working alongside a
team, moulding it into what I picture it, in hopes of not just making it profitable, but also something that impacts
peoples minds and world outlook, so that maybe I might inspire others like other filmmakers have inspired me.

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