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Final Capstone Project Reflection Questions

(Please give specific detailed answers.)

1. In the process of completing your Capstone Project, what did you learn about your subject? What did
you learn about your skill set? What did you learn about yourself?
The subject of my Capstone Project is around art and animation. With the various tutorials, articles, and
videos I have seen, I have learned a variety of different techniques and information such as colour theory,
framing, foreground/background figures, the principles of animation, and much more. When trying to apply
these principles in my project, I found it difficult due to my limited experience in the field of animation;
specifically, creating in-between frame compositions to make a smooth motion. Since I had focused on my
illustration abilities for the past 5-8 years, I had assumed that it would aid in the animation process.
However, I learned that illustration does not equal animation, animation is movement. Learning how
animators bring their illustrations to life was informative and insightful. Moreover, I had to learn how to use
the editing program, Capcut, to finalize my project by adding music, transitions, and keyframes. When
watching YouTube videos on my own, I had always been curious about how content creators made their
videos. Additionally, one of my childhood dreams was to be an editor to work for a YouTuber or become a
YouTuber myself, so it was quite gratifying learning this skill. As a pertinent point, in middle school I had a
mandatory media arts class. In that course, I had to create multiple short films and movies using iMovie
with my friends, and I gained a plethora of warm memories from that period. I learned that I genuinely
enjoyed editing and animating, despite the occasional frustration and back-and-forth nature.

2. How is your project relevant to you? How is it relevant to the school? How is it relevant to the
This project has a profound connection and relevancy to my personal struggles, but also touches on subjects
and issues others experience as well. For most of my high school life, and even now, I associated my self-
worth with my grades; many of my friends and other individuals do the same. This is an extremely
damaging mindset that leads to self-deprecation and unnecessary stress. School, an institution that is meant
to encourage learning and growth, has such a huge emphasis on acquiring good grades that it has the
opposite effect; without adequate scores, universities will not consider you, others may not acknowledge
you, and it turns into this cycle of despair and struggling with yourself. The key focus of my Capstone is
around mental health and how unrealistic expectations, combined with implausible standards affect one’s
mentality and daily performance. Additionally, I wanted it to include the topic of healing and support
systems to come full circle, incorporating the duality of the positive and adverse aspects of life. Plus, adding
in the subject surrounding the neglect of elderly pets was something I wanted to include to connect with my
pathway in life and to spread awareness on this issue. With this project, I wanted people in the same
community to feel heard and related to.
3. What impact did your Capstone have on you?
My Capstone had a significant impact on the way I view myself and the self-awareness on my mindset, as
well as what I have accomplished up until this point. As I have mentioned, I had a mentally damaging
mindset that prevailed for most of my time in high school; like a bad habit that is hard to break, it kept
making itself known with every test and assignment that was returned. This project allowed me to project
that and give itself a form, expressing my feelings and experiences through my artistic vision. In a way, it
was relieving to be able to actualize my thoughts using my passion and interests, utilizing different methods
and techniques such as feelings through colouration. Moreover, my Capstone impacted my motivational
presumptions about myself, as I never thought I would have the motivation to complete something like an
animac. Also, while working on my project, it made me realize how lucky I was to have people and animals
in my life to support me; simultaneously recognizing that some individuals must be let go to peace. In brief,
my Capstone project had a positive impact on my overall mindset, causing me to reflect and recognize my
faults, strengths, and gifts in life.

4. What aspects of your project are you most proud of?

The main thing I am proud of with regards to my Capstone is all the hidden meanings found within it. I spent
a lot of time on little details that added a distinctive touch to my project, such as colour shifts, names, and
environments. Additionally, following through and being able to accomplish most of what I had initially
intended is something I take pride in. An animatic/animation is something that I have wanted to do for a
long time, but never committed to. I have attempted to make multiple animatics, comics, and storylines in
the past but it never amounted to anything, so completing this project fulfilled a long-term goal of mine.
Not only that, but it forced me to get out of my comfort zone and engage in meaningful inquiry with
individuals I never would have met otherwise, which is something that I am very proud of. My capstone
aided in my own shortcomings, helping me grow as an individual and create something that evokes a
strong, genuine sense of accomplishment and thoughtfulness.

5. What was a difficulty you encountered while researching your Capstone project? How were you able to
overcome those obstacles?
When researching and attempting to brainstorm a topic to pursue for my Capstone project, I knew that I
wanted to do something that I would enjoy working on and would help others. Choosing a strand proved to
be difficult, as I had so many ideas that I wished to choose. Ultimately, I decided to go with the
product/service strand, mainly geared towards product. An aspect I struggled with was the ‘benefit to the
community’ addition of this strand. With the idea of creating an animatic/animation, I gained inspiration
from what previous graduates have done in this strand and created tutorials in the form of YouTube shorts.
To speak candidly, I did not have much difficulty in researching, but rather more obstacles in the actual
process. I was challenged with program difficulties, issues with my iPad glitching and losing progress, the
frustration of editing and animation, problems with video quality, and learning brand new software in a
limited time frame. However, with each of these challenges, it was imperative to persevere, problem-solve,
and adapt by developing back-up plans in case things went wrong. With a large and important project such
as this, accommodating time loss and unexpected circumstances was crucial and aided significantly in its

6. What is the one thing you would have changed about your project if you could?
If there was one thing I would have changed about my project, it would have been to create a comic book,
with the addition of tutorials, instead of an animatic/animation. I would still want it to have been art
related, however, since I was not well-versed in animation, I believe there were some frustrating moments
that could have been avoided. Sticking to illustrations could have supported the inconsistencies in my
stylization, allowing for a larger window of creativity. With a comic, I could have made multiple storylines
that all connected or stuck to the same one that touched on all my desired aspects. Looking back, it was
clear that I was ambitious in choosing to pursue something I had little experience in, both in animation and
editing, but I am glad that I did. It allowed me to explore a part of my passion that I did not realize I had a
love for.

7. What advice would you offer to future Capstone students to help them with their Capstone journey?

The main piece of advice, which I am positive many others will mention, is to be aware of the time and
scheduling you have available to work on and complete your Capstone. When I was in grade eleven, I had
friends who gave me advice when working on their Capstone that firmly told me to avoid procrastination,
yet I still did. Your mind is powerful, and your urges and wants to tend have a stronger grip on your actions.
Self-reflect and discipline yourself, that will lead to your success. Also, I think a lot of people do not realize
that the completion of this project decides whether or not you graduate. An individual could have
outstanding grades, multiple hours of volunteer experience, and a high chance in getting accepted into their
top university; but if they fail to finish their Capstone, they will be held back. Take this seriously and think of
it as a final mission for high school. Set mini goals and milestones with every task you complete, anything to
motivate you is helpful. Furthermore, another common piece of advice is choosing a strand or topic that you
genuinely enjoy doing or are interested in. If you choose something that you are disinterested in, working
on this project will seem more arduous and tedious rather than fulfilling. Withal, if you are comfortable, try
going out of your comfort zone with something related to your passions, but going that one step further.
With your final year in high school, it is like a chapter is coming to an end. Ending that chapter on a good
note with your own personal growth will be extremely gratifying. Doing this myself gave me the chance to
gain new friends, new passions, and observe new perspectives. In short, pace yourself, choose something
you enjoy, recognize the importance of this Capstone project, and try something new. I wish all future
Capstone and graduate students' good luck on their Capstone journey. :)

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