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Centre Name and Number: The Henley College and 62441

Student Name and Number: Charles Borg and 988619

Project Proposal Name and Date: A Man's Best friend and 6th April 2022

Main Area of Activity: Short Film

I think that from past projects I have got a good idea of my skills and abilities when it
comes 1-to making a short film. However, I have also got a good understanding of
what I need to do better to achieve my goal of production. I think that I have been
coming up with good ideas and planning, however, I have learnt that I need to go
into more detail in the planning stage of my work. I think that from my previous
productions my strongest skill is my editing. Before starting the course, I had a good
understanding of editing as I had already used adobe premiere pro, however now
that we are 8 units into the course, I have a much deeper understanding of the
programme and things such as colour correction and colour grading.

Project Concept
The production that I will be doing is a short film. My short film will be a
drama/fantasy. My aim for my production is to create an entertaining, captivating
short film. I will achieve this by making sure that there is never a dull moment in the
production. This means using lots of different shots and cuts, making sure to use lots
of shots and cuts is crucial to keeping the viewer interested as the audience will have
to concentrate more on what is happening as what is being shown to them is
changing all the time. I also believe that doing this will be very good for my target
audience as I want to aim to show my production to teens, who a lot of the time have
quite a short attention span. However, while doing this I need to make sure that you
can still understand what is happening and not make it confusing. Which will mean
doing a lot of work whilst filming and in post-production. As in my production, I’m
going to be working with a dog I am going to make sure that I research how big
movies train dogs, and how the trainers get the dogs to do what they are needed to
do in the scene.

The work that I produce, I will make sure that it is all documented properly through
my weekly blogs and evaluate how I am doing whilst it happens. Doing this will help
me to stay on track as I will know what needs improving and how I can improve it
easily by just looking at my weekly blogs instead of having to look through all my
work. This will help me reach a higher level of work as will have evaluated what I
need to improve when I do it so I can go through and improve my work more

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