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Last year was the one in which we made major changes in our lives.

If someone had warned

me that I would go through such experiences, I would have told him to give up movies. There
are many things that I learnt in 2020, but I will limit to 5 aspects: health is not granted, be
grateful, little things bring happiness, don’t exhaust yourself and self-love is important. The
first thing that has been proven to us was that health isn’t something you should take for
granted. We are all vulnerable to this virus: farmer, builder, doctor, doesn’t matter. Covid
doesn't ask before taking away and that’s frightening. That’s why, the second lesson I learnt
was to be grateful for everything I have. It’s such a blessing to lay in your bed at the end of
the day and think about how lucky you are. For this reason, I began to realize how important
little things are: like walking in a park, hearing little birds sing or sitting at a cafe humming
my favorite song. We did not realize what’s life about until we lost these things. This is the
lesson that teaches us that little things bring happiness. Another thing is that we shouldn’t
exhaust ourselves. COVID-19 has been hard on us, exhaustion doesn’t do anything good for
us. And, the most important thing is self-loving despite our changes. In conclusion, all these
changes helped us see the world in a different light and be grateful.

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