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Five valuable lessons I learnt in 2020

The year 2020 was a colossal undertaking. What happened is likely to remain
burned in our minds for a long time. When I reflect on what happened, I see
how much has changed. We entered a new world, a virtual one, based on online
classes and social media. We’ve also learned a lot about self-love, friendship,
family, and life in general.
First of all, we may never know when would be the last time we see our
family, friends and people we care about. We don't always have the opportunity
to say our goodbyes. We should be thankful for what we have in life, and I hope
that the year 2020 will be remembered as the year we learnt to appreciate what
we have. All has changed since the lockdown, especially when it comes to our
friends. I realized that not everyone who enters your life lasts. Some people are
just friends if you see them five days a week, and others will be by your side
Second of all, self-love was the word of the year. Surviving 2020 required
loving ourselves despite changes in our mental health, social life, environment,
and surroundings. We all learned the importance of mental wellbeing last year.
Everyone began prioritizing their emotional stability, whether at home or at
school. We adapted to virtual life because the pandemic was causing us physical
and mental damage.
Enjoy the moment because you never know what’s going to happen in the
future. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.
A healthy body, a breathing lung, a beating heart are all things we take for
granted, but they could all be taken away tomorrow.

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