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 From the messager to Mr. Benjamin (psychologist)

1. Letter:

Good afternoon Mr. Benjamin,

I`m under the weather; so you don’t imagine how
gloomy I am. I feel like I`m losing myself because of something
I didn`t do! It may sound weird, but because I couldn`t
manage to arrive in time to Verona, to give someone a very
important letter that could change destinies, I`m feeling
responsible, somehow. I probably shouldn`t blame myself for
what happened, but it still feels like it`s my fault. Even if I
wasn`t involved in that situation from the beginning, I think
that I could`ve saved somebody`s life.
Honestly: do you think that I sound crazy? Am I
overthinking it? Will I go insane? The opinion of a specialist
could really help me! You can`t make out how desperate I am
for your help! Thank you for your understanding!

Yours respectfully,
the anonymous messager.

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