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Online or offline education

Due to the pandemic, we were able to keep education alive by adopting a new
reality based on online classes. Challenging our mental health and discovering the
beauty hidden beyond school walls, we entered a scary dimension, full of new
things that we had to explore on ourselves.

Firstly, even though online classes provided the convenience of being at home and
a variety of technics to study, learning from home had a powerful impact on our
mental health. Staying behind a screen all day, allowing apps to rule our life, and
seeing our youth memories fade away has a powerful impact on our physical and
mental health. Our hearts are usually washed up with love, memories, and
activities we enjoy doing with people we love, so remaining at home living every
day the same, puts our hearts on the verge of death. 

Secondly, online education, as much as it is anticipated to be the future of learning,

cannot replace offline education. School is the building that houses all our
memories. When we are around people we admire, school is not so terrifying, and
learning is no longer so difficult and boring. Furthermore, face-to-face learning
connects us with our colleagues and teachers and motivates us considerably.

In conclusion, after experiencing both modes of education, we realized that offline

school is better for us because a high grade received online will never be able to
replace a priceless memory forever locked inside our school's walls and hearts.

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