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What should be done to make our educational

system more effective?


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, our everyday life has changed tremendously.
We have to wear masks, practise social distancing and even work or study from home. The latter has
brought many problems to schools and other educational institutions because traditional teaching
methods had to be changed. The weaknesses of our educational system soon became visible to
almost everyone. Students started losing interest in learning and got more and more apathetic about

What is the reason of this apathy? First, it is the lack of student integration during lessons. At
home, with so many distractions available, it is very easy to lose interest in something you do
not understand. This is why teachers should pay more attention into how they transmit new
information to students. PowerPoint is a good tool, but it is usually not enough for students to fully
understand the topic treated in class. Fortunately, there are many other resources which can make a
lesson a bit more appealing. For example, educational videos, interactive images or even
gamification. There are dozens of websites, where you can easily learn how to make these
wonderful teaching tools or you can simply use one already made. Nowadays the internet has much
to offer.

However, our educational system does not rely only on the teachers. Students play a big part
in it, too. It is true that teenagers are especially hard to handle: disobeying, rules breaking,
provoking. They are stepping into the real world and searching for their identities. At this stage of
development, they might be experiencing other hardships, which makes studying even more
difficult. This is the reason why, in my opinion, it is important to teach teenagers about mental
health. Moreover, people should learn how to manage their emotions and how to overcome difficult
situations at a young age, so that they could experience a peaceful adulthood.

To sum up, both teachers and students had to face big difficulties and adaptations due to the
pandemic. Teachers became responsible not only for transmitting content, but also had to adjust to
the technology, learn new platforms and new tools. For students the lack of motivation made
studying even more difficult. Thus, there is a big need to preserve students’ engagement and
interest as well as their connection with school, particularly, when schools are closed for long
periods of time.

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