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A Visible Affliction

The most important prerequisite for someone to advance and grow is education. It is the
thing that we most need. It helps to transform and makes us better. It improves our intellect and
makes it easier for us to define and accomplish our personal goals. Regardless of how advanced
and good technology becomes, traditional learning will always be better. Students can learn and
gain more knowledge if they are in traditional education. Online learning gives us challenges,
which makes it more difficult to acclimate as well as learn. I do not think that taking lessons
online significantly enhances the learning of every student. How is a student able to learn if they
can only hold onto themselves? I am against continuing the online classes, I am not saying that
teachers cannot help in online classes, but it is because if the student is studying at home, the
time that would be devoted to studying will be interrupted by other household chores and the
noises that can also distract. Without learning and no proper education, students will be nothing
but aimless.
The learning that every student needed suddenly vanished due to the spread of viruses that
forced schools around the world to shut down their campuses indefinitely and move their
educational learning onto online learning. Yes, using internet can be beneficial, but another
major reason is that every student has different capabilities. There are those who are quick to
understand and there are those who are slow. Apart from this, students might feel left behind.
Some families cannot afford to buy the laptop or cellphone that will be needed in an online class.
Sometimes the internet connection was poor enough to block the students from joining the class.
The ability to interact with classmates and the teacher, as well as the freedom to ask questions
without feeling constrained, are the most crucial benefits of having traditional classes.
Online learning is not the future. I strongly believe traditional classes can result in a better
and more fruitful education. The path that ought to make life simple for the student makes it
harder. How can we get back what was taken from us?

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