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We agree that social has made our lives better because here we can share video calls, and

texts and we can meet

new friends from other places and we can also search if you are having trouble with the work, you are doing you
can just searched and can be watched because of social media, we can also know the condition of our friends,
family, or those who are important to us.
And because of this social media helped especially during the pandemic like online classes we still connected
and were able to study through social media, we were able to sell, live selling or online selling and especially
during the pandemic it helped us even if we couldn't go out we are still aware of our surroundings because on
social media you can't do that you can do and the biggest help is because of chat, text, video call, we know the
condition of our family, friends or whoever is important to you.
Lastly, social media has made our lives better because we can connect and stay in touch with our family and
friends. Social media also helps us not only in physical, but also in mental health. And social media also helps us
to have more inspiration and confidence in our life. In social media we can also get some more information about
our environment.
With all these things mentioned, even though some people claim that surfing through social media is just a
waste of time and there is nothing good you can gain from it. Social media has made our lives better because of
many positive effects. Aside from the reasons presented, it can also lead to making new friends by social media
and can give positive effect of having a better life.

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