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Social media has made us less social.

Communication nowadays is undoubtedly driven by social media.

The frequency and volume of human interaction via social media
platforms has skyrocketed, yet it has been claimed by some that social
media has actually made people less social as we tend to communicate
virtually instead of physically. I disagree that we are less sociable
nowadays due to social media. I feel social media has actually made us
more sociable and connected. It allows us to communicate anytime,
anywhere, find like-minded friends and organise meet-ups easily.
Firstly, social media allows us to chat with our friends whenever we
like. It isn't necessary to meet someone face-to-face in order to connect.
There is no need to face traffic or inconvenience a parent to send us out
when we want to meet up with a friend. Social media enables us to share
our thoughts about our daily lives or more significant events on social
platforms such as WhatsApp. Telegram, Twitter, Snapchat or Messenger.
Thus, we engage more with our friends on a daily basis, not less. Isn't
this socialising and communicating with people?
Moreover, social media actually makes it easy to find and make new
friends. Facebook groups for example, links groups of people with similar
interests. Joining a group with the same interests encourages us to share
our views, opinions and ideas. This creates a bond that could turn into
lasting friendships. Online garners meet up virtually to play online games
and end up meeting each other physically either at a game shop or at a
café to hang out together. Social media in this case widens our social
circle by connecting us with like-minded people.
Social media also enables us to organise more physical gatherings
easily. Social media platform features that enable group chat take the
tediousness out of calling individuals to first agree to an outing, then to
confirm the details. The immediate feedback gained through wide use of
social media platforms make the work of organisation go much more
smoothly. Organising outings becomes a breeze, and this encourages
us to organise more such opportunities to meet friends.
In conclusion, social media enables us to interact with our friends
much more easily, facilitate and encourage group gatherings and foster
new friendships. Therefore, I disagree that social media has made us
less social. Rather, social media provides a communicative platform that
can enhance our social life with the added benefit of both comfort and

410 words

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