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Social media has changed the way we connect with others and has made it easier to form and

maintain friendships. However, like any technological advancement, social media has its
disadvantages when it comes to building friendships.

For example, social media can create a false sense of intimacy that might not exist in real life. We
might have hundreds or even thousands of friends on social media, but how many of them do we
really know and trust? Social media can also lead to feelings of envy and jealousy, as we compare
our lives to the carefully curated images and posts of others.
We can also have different types of friends on social media. Some are close friends who we know
well and have a deep connection with. Others are people we've met briefly but don't know very
well. Some friends might be purely online, and we might not have ever met them in person.

To sum up, while social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with others, it is important to
recognize the disadvantages of having online friends. To maintain genuine and meaningful
friendships, individuals must strive to balance their online interactions with real-world experiences
and prioritize emotional depth and support over superficial connections.

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