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Reconnecting after Isolation

In a world where technology has become an important part of everyone's life, it is

important for us to know its effects on our social and daily lives. This is the topic of
Sherry Turkle's TED talk, "Connected but alone." In today's digital world, we are
connected more than ever, but we are also increasingly alone. Though we constantly
use technology and social media, we are more alone and separated from one another
than ever before, despite believing that we are more connected to others. As I watched
Sherry Turkle's TED Talk on "Connected but Alone," I realized how much I relate to her
message. The constant use of technology and social media has led to a culture in which
we rely heavily on our phones and other gadgets for instant pleasure and connection
rather than interacting with those around us.

It's easy to lose yourself in the world of followers, likes, and comments and forget
that behind every social media account is a real person who has real feelings as well.
There is a continuous pressure to maintain a certain online image or persona and to
constantly post content that will receive validation from other people. I've seen many of
my friends get obsessed with their social media accounts, which often leads to feelings
of anxiety, depression, and even a need to live up to certain beauty standards and
lifestyles. As a result, it's critical for all of us to step back and appreciate the value of
direct communication and sincere relationships. We need to establish limits for our use
of social media to strike this balance between our online and offline lives. This could
involve limiting the amount of time spent scrolling through feeds or taking breaks from
social media altogether. We should also try to participate in activities that encourage
face-to-face interaction, such as joining clubs or going to events.

Another important thing is being aware of the content we consume on social

media. It's quite easy to get caught up in the negativity or comparison lifestyle that can
be common online. Instead, we should seek out positive and uplifting content that
inspires us to be our best selves. As a result, even if social media can be a great tool for
staying in touch, we must be careful to avoid becoming reliant on it at the risk of our
mental health. We can make sure that social media continues to have a beneficial
influence in our lives by being aware of its possible negative effects and taking action to
lessen them. Since each person has control over their personal interaction with social
media, it is finally up to each of us to make the right decisions.

One way to promote a healthier relationship with social media is by practicing

awareness. This means being conscious of our emotions and sentiments while we
interact on social media and making careful choices to focus on the positive. Also, it's
critical to realize when we are using social media as a distraction or coping technique
for more serious problems and to seek support as needed. The effect of social media on
our relationships with other people should also be considered. While it can be a great
way to stay in touch, it's also important to balance in-person contacts with online
communication. Making time for personal interactions can help us build closer
connections with one another as well as improve the way we feel.

In the end, it's important to keep in mind that each person's connection with
social media is different, and there is no standard answer. We can maintain a good
balance between our online and offline lives by practicing awareness, establishing
boundaries, and placing our focus on real interactions.

Bernarte, Assi Novelo


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