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Sherilyn May D.

BEED 1 (Block-B)

Purposive Communication
Speech: The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic to you
2019, a year of my life. A life that is nothing but to live. Just living. And then, 2020
entered enivitably. My life suddenly change. A really big changes. As 2020 started, there’s a lot
of uninvited situation comes along and one of them is this so-called corona virus or Covid-19.
Education? Its been stopped. They said it will only takes a month. But look, virus really loves us.
It’s been 2 years already and virus didn’t left us. I want to tell virus, “let’s break up”, “I don’t
want you”,”get lost”, “you deserve someone better” but still, this virus is lovable and keeps on
spreading. This is the love I refuse to have. This is not good for us. A toxic one that wants to be
with us just to destroy us
2020, as I woke up to continue my life, I feel like I was in a cage. You are not allowed to
go outside. You are continuing your school inside your house. It is suffocating and my life
becomes repetitive. It is like a cycle, an unending cycle. Everyday is like a battle of you and just
yourself. There’s a time where anxiety punch me and I was like, I want to punch back. But I was
too weak. I’ve been burdened of how my life is going to be. I want to study well but this new
type of learning, it is not for me. It is too difficult for me to suit myself or should I say, to all of
us. The year 2020 teach me to adapt things because I was left by no choice. Then continue to
live. God is bigger than this.
As I reflect myself to the old me, it’s always been the type of life that is just living. But
when pandemic slaps me, it made me to come in my senses. I realized how important life is.
The things in the surrounding, the happiness, the famiy, friends, the bonding, every moment
and every time, is important. It made me think about myself that I didn’t think of before.
Pandemic is completely a chaos but leaves an remarkable lesson on your life. It challenges you.
It makes you faced the things you thought you could never surpass. It lets you to stand on your
own feet.
As I end my speech, I want to tell all of you that facing pandemic is hard, so is life, therefore,
may we always find a strenght to continue because best things comes to those who don’t give
up. We are all in this together. Fighting on the things that is worth to fight.

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