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How 2020 is going for me.

The year 2020 has not been as good to me as I thought it would be. A lot
of negative and regretful things have happened to me since the year has

When this year began I had high hopes for everything going great and
everything getting better. Although the beginning of the year was a little
rocky I never thought of it going down hill with everything that has
happened since the year has started. To start things off, my junior year I
was excited to finally be able to go to prom, but that dream ended when
COVID-19 hit. When we first left school i never thought it would ever be
that long before we went back to school. Just when i thought things couldn't
get any worse I started to fail my online classes and had to work harder just
so I could become a senior and almost didn't make it.

Now after trying to adjust to life living with the virus in the air more bad
things started to happen. Horrible things were happening in other states but
more sadly then that , people started to pass away. There’s been death
that have shocked everyone and there’s just been more and more as the
year goes on and i all wonder to myself when is the horrific events going to
stop, or at least slow down because i went into this year with a positive
mindset but with all the life changing events it kind of changes your outlook
on things in the world.

Even though I came into the year with high hopes and things didn't go
right, I'm going to try and make the best of the rest of the year that’s left
because in the end the damage is done and all we can do now is live with it
and move forward.

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