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English Assigment – P2

I was born on March 8, 2002 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. My mom gave birth to me at the Hospital
Moinhos de Vento, and according to her there were no complications during the labor. I have a
sister who is 5 years older than me, and a brother who is 5 years younger that is fruit of my
mom’s second marriage. From my first year of life to my 10th, i continued living in Porto
Alegre, but that changed when my mother and my stepdad decided they wanted to move to
another city called Bagé in 2013. I was absolutely crushed when i first heard the news, and
refused to go, but since i was only 10 years old, I didn’t have much of a choice. I lived in Bagé
untill i was 15, and came back to Porto Alegre in 2018, in time to start my high school in
Colégio Anchieta. Even though i spent all those years away, i continued to stay in touch with all
my childhood friends, which made coming back so much easier for me.
Currently i’m at the last year of high school, and the thought of leaving this part of my life
behind really scares me. On top of that, there is also the pressure vestibulares put on us, which
can be very triggering and hard to deal with. I dream of studying Psychology in UFRGS, but it
can be quite demotivating some times since in order to get in, students must have insanely
high scores. I’ve always thought of myself as a really intelligent, hardworking and determined
person, mostly because of how well i did in school, but sometimes i wonder if maybe I don’t
have what it takes to get in. As for my love life, I’m currently very happy and very in love with
my boyfriend Federico, and our one year anniversary is only a few days away. I don’t really
think of marriage yet, but i’m pretty sure he’s husband material! This is my life, it’s far from
perfect, like me, but it’s mine and it gives me a new opportunity everyday to do better and to
learn new things, and that’s really all i can ask for.

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