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English 4

I was asked “how was 2020 treating me?¨, and as I think about it, it actually has been a very
interesting year. ​Not only did it bring me pain, 2020 has brought me joy. We were introduced to
this horrific virus COVID-19, sadly it seems like all of the "legends" passed away, but in the midst
of it all I was blessed with a new beautiful niece.

For starters, the world was introduced to COVID-19. This pandemic spread across the world in
a matter of weeks. It has taken over what we know as our regular daily life. This disease has caused
the majority of the world to shut down, many people lost their lives including children, we had to go
into quarantine for months and are now forced to wear masks and socially distance. Unfortunately,
I think this is now our new normal.

I stated that this year has brought me joy because I became an auntie to a beautiful baby girl in
May. Her name is Nova which means “creation of a new star”. Being a part of my sister's
pregnancy has taught so much about parenthood and the amazing a woman's body is.
Unfortunately she came during the most tragic time but she really brought much happiness to my
family and I.

When I spoke in tears of pain I was speaking in regards to the death of who I see as legends.
My hometown has lost Rashaud cooke and Khalil Fulton. Rashad played a major role in positivity,
hard work, sportsmanship and reaching and exceeding our goals. Rashad was a role model as well
as a family friend. I grew up with Khalil so losing him has brought much sadness to my entire
school as well as Rashad. He was just about to start his career in the real world which made us
focus more on ours. They both left their mark on my hometown and will never be forgotten.

In conclusion, 2020 was honestly a crazy year . So much happened this year. The world is
living through a pandemic, my niece was born and highly important people died. I can honestly say
it really taught me alot. I'm still pushing through this year and it's really a bummer that I have to
enjoy my senior year behind a computer screen but I'm not giving up!

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