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A Memory Letter first year at the University

Dear Pedro.
I decided to write you this letter because I can’t get over this memory. A
significant memory of mine that happened when I finished school and started
university during the pandemic situation. In 2020, I was a school student, it
was my last year in high school. I had gotten used to it, I had made many
friends and most importantly, I had learned many academic topics. Every day
I needed to get up early and attend to classes at school and spent time with
friends and classmates. That was something I had been doing for almost 5
years, so when I finished school, I started university this year without
expecting that there would appear a virus. It is said that this virus appeared in
Wuha, China in 2020.
Let me tell you that, I had been starting university when the pandemic started
here in Peru. it’s believed that first year at the university is an awesome
experience, but starting university experience for me was completely
different, something that wasn’t expected by new students like me.
unfortunately, adding the pandemic to it made it even worse, I didn’t only
have to make a change from school to university but I had to make changes
to adapt from face-to-face classes to virtual classes it was even more
complicated, everyone was affected by this new dangerous virus. It was also
a dark memory for me. Literally, I had to meet and known my classmates
form home, My first year at the university was unexpected, so by the time I’ll
attend to a face-to-face class, I’m sure that it is going to be another dark
memory for me.
Sorry if it bothers you, I just wanted to tell you everything that happened to
me and I hope to see you soon to talk about many other things that have
happened to us in the last years.
Sincerely Shantal

- Passive

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