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The legend of the pink dolphin comes from the Amazon River. It is the largest freshwater
dolphin in the world. It measures up to 2.80 m. Its pink color is genetically determined, but
its intensity depends on the physical activity of the animal.

Legend has it that the pink dolphin was a young indigenous warrior, but one of the gods
envied his masculine attributes and decided to transform him into a dolphin and thereby
condemn him to live in the rivers and lakes of the Amazon.

According to local legend, during women's menstruation days, also in June, when the
natives celebrate the birthdays of their saints and the men are busy having fun or on a full
moon night when they enter the Amazon River or go canoeing, the dolphin can visit them,
the attractive dolphin seduces women into proposing a walk along the river. The next day,
the woman does not remember anything about what happened at night, after a while she
realizes that she is pregnant but. The real reason may not have been researched yet but the
indigenous people think It must have been caused by the pink dolphin.

They say that this happened several times. The pink dolphin turns into an attractive man
and approaches the shore, dressed in white and his head covered by a straw hat. Under the
hat, he hides the only remaining characteristic of the dolphin, the hole in the head through
which he breathes.

That is why when a man in a hat shows up during the month of June, the inhabitants of the
Amazon rainforest ask him to remove his hat to make sure it is not a dolphin.

The natives are very superstitious and the children born with spina bifida are called "botos".
They also believe that if they hurt pink dolphins, their children would be born with the

For this reason, it is believed that the cause of children who have no father in the region is
due to the pink dolphin. In addition, the indigenous men of the region try to kill these
animals, because they do not want their women to get pregnant.

In my personal opinion, this legend must not be true, I don’t think the reason younger
women get pregnant is because of a pink dolphin because the natives are usually
superstitious and create myths, so I think the real reason it is because of having had sex
with other men but women are not able to admit it, natives should find the real cause
talking to women.

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