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This year 2020 taught us a lot and made us realise some things in our lives.

has been a tough year for all of us. The whole world faced a lot of challenges that we
never thought would come. 2020 is like an obstacle course that we need to
overcome or else were done in this world.

In the beginning of 2020, the world started to experience the nightmare. We

have faced and overcome a lot of problems especially those people who are in a
poor place where they live. This year 2020, our fellow Filipinos had experienced the
eruption of Taal volcano, then after that the proliferation and aggravation of
COVID19 Pandemic affected all of us. The whole world had suffered from this
pandemic. There are millions of people died in the whole world because of this
pandemic and up to now we are still facing and fighting to it. And now, we are
experiencing a lot of disasters such as the earthquakes and typhoons that we are
still facing until now. There are a lot of people who suffered from the past typhoon
Rolly and Ulysses.

From experiencing all these problems, I have a lot of realizations and

learnings from it. I have realized that life really matters, and we should take good
care of it. I have realized that maybe God planned this for all of us because God
wants us to rest and make quality time with our families. In facing this pandemic, I
will not say that we are all the same I understand that most of our fellow Filipinos are
poor, I just want to say that we are like in the same island but we are riding a
different kinds of boats and I believe that we are all going make it through God who
strengthens us.

We may face a lot of challenges in our lives but always remember that we
have an Almighty God to help us when we are in deep need. I believe that prayer is
the most powerful weapon in this world. Just keep on fighting, continue to conquer
the world. He will never put you in a situation that He knew you cannot overcome.
Life is the most precious thing that you would ever have that is why always choose to
live no matter how hard it is.

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