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Trust in the Lord

God never fails. He never fails to provide us what we need. He never fails to guide and protect us
from every danger. He never fails to bring life into joy. He never fails to enlighten our minds to see
that everything that happens has a purpose. He never fails for He is the best of the bests that life
has given to us.
COVID-19 destroys a million of lives in the whole world. Many organizations and known artists in
this industry offered help most in our front liners to be able to courage them as well to work hard.
In this time of trial, it makes the people be united as one. It brought us the feeling of being scared
which made us think that until where could these virus might reached. On the other hand, it also
brought us to deepen our faith and have the courage not to lose hope that everything will be okay
in the will of God. It unites us to pray everyday and become more healthy as we overcome this
pandemic. We should accept all the happenings right now and give our full trust in the Lord
because He will never fail in everything that He do. I learn more and more each day and it is a
great day that we let ourselves to continue learning. A lot of thoughts have cross into my mind.
For me, deep faith and understanding could make us overcome this situation. An understanding
where God is centered into it. We could say that it is not an ordinary problem that we are facing
right now but if we let ourselves to trust the plan of God, this will be gone anytime soon. I praise
and thank God more for He has given me so much blessings that life could offer. Surviving each
and every day is a form of blessing. There’s no little or big blessings, everything is fair in the eyes
of God. In this kind of situation, it gives us the chance to appreciate our life and pay attention
more to our faith. No one could say how tough the problem is if we believe that God is with us.
He will never let us bear the weight of our problems alone. Having hope is trusting the Lord. During
this pandemic, I become more conscious in my health and in my family’s. I make sure that we
are taking care of our health even if we are staying at home all day long. I realized that I should
be contented with what I have and in that, I am beyond grateful that I am not too late to cherish
all the moments I spend with my family during enhanced community quarantine. Seeing people
dying breaks my heart and all I can do is to pray. We pray that this will never happen again. It is
sad how these virus took many lives of people but we should never let ourselves to lose our faith
to God because of what happened in this world.
What happened today brought me realizations in life. I realized so many things that would lead
me to have a better life. I realized that there’s so much things in this world that we could be grateful
for. I am grateful that I am still with my family and am still breathing. I appreciate more my
existence for He had given me the chance to live. I see the essence of life and that is having faith
in Him no matter what happens. We are not alone to fight in this battle that God were able to give
us strength that we need in our daily lives. All that will never last if we have no faith in God. We
should live what God wants us to be and accept it whole-heartedly because God will never let us
to be in danger thus, He will protect us in all the way that He can.

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