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Five valuable lessons

I learnt in 2020

2020 was an unprecedented year for me, which I would not have
liked, but which taught me some very important lessons. This year began
very promising. I have taken a precise note of the date of the first
infection case in the country – 11 March. A day like any other. We had no
way of knowing that in not even 12 hours, we would be subjected to the
online environment for 2 weeks. These 2 weeks turned into months,
including several months of this school year. You know the rest of the
story, but let's go back to the things you learned.

This year, I learned that I actually need much less than I thought. I
have made up extremely rare and the number of cosmetics I have bought
has dropped dramatically. I didn't feel much need to buy new clothes
either: "I'm going nowhere anyway," I said many times. Never before have I
spent so much time with my family (it turned out to be working people).
From March to the end of the school year I was only at home. While sitting
at the hearth, I didn't have much time to spare for my family too, and the
weekends didn't help me to solve this situation too much, because I had to
write, projects and so on. Now that I've been at home for so long I feel the
lack of my friends, who, although we are talking on different social
networks, I still want to feel them close, and why not, to hold them in their

I have learned to take my share of responsibility as a citizen of this

country. That it is not fair to ask for decisions from the authorities, but to
disrespect them. That some of them may not like you, but they need to be
followed. That you may or may not believe in the presence of the virus, be
or disagree with vaccination, but frequent washing of your hands, wearing
protective masks and the presence of disinfectant are normal practices
that must be observed. I resigned to the fact that these are practices that
we will remain with after this madness has ended.

I have realized that everything around is temporary and nature is

much smarter than we all have taken together. That life is a miracle that
follows its natural course, and that, in fact, each of us can become
uncaught by the news just a number in a report. So, no matter how special
and important you may believe, no matter how rich or brilliant you may be
– we are all just dust and tomorrow we may not be.

2020 he taught me that you should tell your friends every day I LOVE

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