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Name : Dwi Afrianti

NPM : 2026010064

Class : keperawatan 4 B

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Good afternoon everyone

How are you today?

First of all, let's say thanks to Allah because he has given us a good chance to present our presentation
and Thank you for coming today, it's great to see you all here.

Before presenting the materials, let me introduce my self, my name is Dwi Afrianti you can call me Dwi.

Well let me start conveying some points that Will be discussed on this occasion, there are 3 points.

I'm going to spend 4-5 minutes on this.

The first point .........

i'd like to make is rhinoviruses are the main culprits in causing most common colds.

the second point.......

Will concern Main symptoms initially are: not feeling well, sore throat, nasal/chest congestion,
coughing, sneezing. for several days.Peak incidence of cold infections is in cold weather mainly in winter.
because the room is too cold and the air is irritating the throat or because it is too warm and the air is
making the throat dry.

the last point........

adjusting the temperatur of the room may solve the problem if the child has difficulty breathing then
we can help by keeping the child's nose clear of obstructing mucus to allow easy breathing. try to give an
older child a hot drink before bed to help clear the back of the nassal passages your doctor may
prescribe a cough mixture or you may buy one from your pharmacy.
in conclusion i should just like to say if the child has experienced symptoms of not feeling well, sore
throat, stuffy nose/chest, coughing, sneezing for several days. The main action that can be taken is
adjusting the room temperature because this method can solve the problem if the child has difficulty
breathing and give the child the medicine that has been prescribed by the doctor.

I think that's all Thank you so much for your special attention.

Have a nice day!!!

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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