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Rules of preparing Data in Excel:

 Each col is a field of data

 Name the col in a meaningful way
 Each row is a record of data
 Do not include the sub total and grand totals – only have the data
 Get the data types correct – Text/ Numeric/ Date

Introduction to Preparing for Data Analysis

Introduction – Preparing Data for Analysis

Welcome to this first section on ‘Preparing your Data for Analysis’. In this section we
are going to review the key steps that are required to setup your data for analysis.

As we often say ‘You cannot expect Great Data Analysis without Great Data’.

The first step is to make sure that your data is in the same format as a database
table. The fields of data need to be in the Excel columns and the records of data
need to be in rows.

The following is a list of rules that you should consider when you are preparing your

1. Name the fields in the columns to be meaningful – you will be using these
field names to do your data analysis
2. Do not have sub totals and any grad totals in your data – Just have the raw
data that you want to be analyzed
3. Make sure that text, numeric and date fields are correctly recognized by Excel
Common Data Problems

The two most common data problems that I have encountered is converting dates
and numbers. Often when I import from other systems or different file formats
such .csv; I find that dates and numbers do not correctly format in Excel.

To convert numeric fields – Please use the =Value formula i.e. =Value(B2)

There are two different methods that you can use to format dates:

1. Use the =Date formula with the Left, Mid and Right formulas
2. Use the =Date formula using the Text to Columns function
In the example video the following formulas are used:
1. =Value(B2)
2. =DATE(RIGHT(B9,4),MID(B9,4,2),LEFT(B9,2))
3. =DATE(E14,D14,C14)

Introduction – Key Metrics

Welcome to this section on ‘Key Metrics’. In this section we are going to review the
key steps that are required to creating Key Metrics.   

Key Metrics or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the main method that we use
to measure the performance of a company, division, department or team.   

 KeY Metrics/ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – important method to understand the
overall health of the business.
 Display in a dominant position and easy to read and comprehend.

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