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Operational Procedure for submission of refund and utilization certificate by the PLIs through

direct upload on the NHB’s Enhanced PMAY-CLSS Portal

The NHB’s Enhanced PMAY-CLSS Portal has been developed with more automation to reduce paper
work, manual calculations and inputs, and implement on-line compliances by Primary Lending
Institutions (PLIs). Compliance is a critical part of the PMAY-CLSS processes as it confirms PLI’s
adherence to the Scheme Guidelines and enhances NHB’s oversight on the subsidy release made
under the scheme. Enhancement, thus has brought in more transparency in the implementation of

2. Compliances to NHB in the enhanced portal are covered in two parts, viz. Making Subsidy
Refund and then Submitting Utilization Certificate (UC) on Subsidy Utilization and Processing Fee
after entering the Refund Details. As per the processes envisaged for PMAY-CLSS by the
Government of India, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), the PLI is required to first make
refund and upload refund inputs, download UC, and then upload UC with Authorized Signatory’s
Signature and Seal, within a fortnight window provided in the System. The NHB shall accept Refund
and UC after matching the PLI’s Authorized Signatory’s Signature, and after verification of the credit
from its Bank Account. Any communication regarding compliances shall be recognized by NHB, only if
it bears the signature of the Authorized Signatory of the PLI.

3. Making Subsidy Refund to NHB

Before generating the UC from the system, the PLI has to make subsidy refund, if any, in NHB’s Bank
Account designated for the Scheme and then upload the details on NHB’s Enhanced PMAY-CLSS
Portal. The portal would reflect refund amount in the UC once refund is uploaded by the PLI. Refund
is to be made in NHB’s bank account based on release order number at a time in a single tranche.
PLI to ensure to refund full amount of processing fee to NHB, except partial refund cases. For the
amount deducted as TDS, TDS certificates shall be made available by NHB.
Step 1 Select the Scheme for which refund is to be made
Step 2 Go to Refund and UC Tab Refund Form Refund Input
Step 3 In the Refund Number, select “New” and paste the loan account no. for which refund is to be made.
Release Number, Instalment Number, Subsidy Amount and Processing Fee Amount would be
automatically displayed by the system.
Step 4 Enter the subsidy amount and processing fee amount to be refunded. Select the reason from the
drop-down menu and mention the remarks. In case of refund made is due to ineligibility,
mandatorily reason for ineligibility to be mentioned in the remarks. Click on “Save” button.
Step 5 After clicking on “Save”, Refund Number would be generated by the System. For adding more
accounts for refund, simply select the generated Refund Number, and then repeat the steps.
Step 6 Go to Refund Finalize and select the Refund Number from the drop-down menu. The Summary of
the Refund would be displayed. Enter the Total Subsidy Amount and processing fee Amount
refunded along with UTR Number and Credit Date. Click on “Save” button.
Step 7 Go to “Download Form” where the PDF of Refund Form can be downloaded.
Step 8 Go to “Upload Form” and upload the scanned signed copy of the Refund Form.
Step 9 Go to “Submit Form”, select the Refund Number from the drop-down menu and click “Save” button.

4. UC Submission
It is reiterated that any refund in a particular UC needs to be submitted, prior to the generation of UC
by the System.
Step 1 Select the Scheme for which UC is to be submitted
Step 2 Select the Release Number from the drop-down menu in “UC Input” section
Step 3 Summary of the released amount, refunded amount and balance amount would be displayed.
Manual Input is required from the PLI for the utilized amount.
Step 4 Go to “Download Form” where the PDF of UC form can be downloaded.
Step 5 Go to “Upload Form” and upload the scanned signed copy of the UC
Step 6 Go to “Submit Form”, select the UC from the drop-down menu and click “Save” button.

All accepted UCs by NHB can be seen from Download  Download Accepted UC.

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