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Entrepreneurship &

Project Management


Bogdan has an experience of over 20 years in multinational companies from

different industries such as Telecom, IT/Software, Business Consulting and Online
Market Research, with 16+ years in various roles from middle to top management
and entrepreneurship, as a co-founder for a number of start-ups in IT/Software,
Media, Blockchain and Business Consulting space.

Throughout his career, Bogdan has held leadership positions, ranging from Division
Manager to CEO of several regional and multinational companies in IT / Software
and Online Market Research with turnovers from 1 to over 60 million Euro and
1,000 employees, coordinated diverse teams and complex projects with global
footprint. Currently he is the Chief Commercial Officer of Aliant, a technology
integration company.

International exposure: short business relocations, frequent business travels and

work relationships with teams in Paris, London, Athens, Washington, LA,
Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Sofia, Basel.

Bogdan graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies and EMBA program of
ASEBUSS Bucharest in cooperation with Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, USA.
Aveti idei care sa
creeze impact?
Inovatia este
The 30 technologies of the next decade

In building the list,

we considered
5 different criteria:

1. Current & projected size

(in terms of direct and
indirect revenue)
2. Future segment growth
rate and scale of adoption
3. Claimed perception of
impact on the future
(through Wikibrand surveys)
4. Current chatter value and
buzz (via Google and social
5. Knock-on effects and
interactions with other
technologies and industries

Created by
Sean Moffitt
Cum stiu ca e o
idee buna?
Cum stiu ca e o idee buna?

- Cat de bine cunosc industria/segmentul?

- Deschide o piata noua? Activeaza pe o nisa?
- Ce competitie avem?
- Avem un diferentiator? Cat de usor se poate replica?
- Care sunt barierele de intrare?
- Care este piata adresabila?
- Cum finantez proiectul?
- Este “profitabila” cand iau in calcul toate costurile?
- Este scalabila?
- Care este investitia necesara?
- Rezolv o problema?
Cum stiu ca e o idee buna?
Abordare de tip Project Management
1. Ideea si mesajul sunt clare
2. Problema este clara si bine definita
3. Ideea implementata va genera un impact pozitiv semnificativ
4. Ideea are un avantaj competitiv
5. Conceptul este fezabil de a fi implementat in piata

Criterii evaluare Pitching

Fisa de proiect

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