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Class: XII E

Change the Romanian educational system,


Can the educational system be changed overnight? For sure not, and Romanian one
even less. But we all can do it in time. Just imagine a crowd of students shouting “We
have the power, we want a change!” all around the country.

First let’s talk about the problems. As we already know the problem of too much
homework given by teachers, the lack of technology, the lack of personal development
activities in the school program and much more issues to discuss.

Well, if this system hasn't been changed in more than 30 years, is there really a
problem? Absolutely yes! The beginning of an emotionally and financially stable person
is from school. The algebra formulas won’t help you to pay taxes (for sure it is important
to have a base in mathematics, but in Romania, the schools are giving too much
importance to this instead of psychology or economy classes).

How can we take part in the change? Very easy, we must show that we are interested
in it. Most of the students are waiting to graduate, because the Romanian schools are
boring and cause stress or / and anxiety.

Is it really that bad in all the country? No. For example in Bucharest some institutes
already started the modernization, one step ahead!
Do you want to contribute? Just talk to one of your teachers about this topic.

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