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We all have certain things, situations, or people that cause us to lose our
composure from time to time. Determine what causes YOU to “lose your cool” by
completing this activity. When you begin to identify your stressors, you can become
skilled at preventing negative consequences. Place an X next to each factor that causes
you stress. There are blank spaces provided so you can add your own.

____ being late ____ parents fighting

____ too much homework ____ getting detention
____ speaking in public ____ your job
____ babysitting ____ taking tests
____ going to the dentist ____ video games
____ arguments with friends ____ using a computer
____ restriction at home ____ closed-in spaces
____ chores ____ commercials
____ lack of sleep ____ interruptions while busy
____ no date for a dance ____ getting an injection
____ pimples ____ arguments with parents
____ physical education class ____ fight with boyfriend/girlfriend
____ math class ____ losing
____ English class ____ careless drivers
____ other class ____ slow drivers
____ boredom ____ loud people
____ rude people ____ baby crying
____ no money ____ disrespectful children
____ no transportation ____ a friend betrays you
____ playing on a sports team ____
____ not being included in a sports team ____
____ losing something valuable ____

Take a look at the warning signs of stress listed below. Write an X in all of the
warning signs that apply to you.

PHYSICAL ____ cold hands or feet ____ racing thoughts

____ headaches ____ excessive sweating ____ aggressiveness
____ stomach aches ____chest pains BEHAVIORAL
____ dizziness ____high blood pressure ____ smoking
____ back pain ____rapid or difficult ____ nail biting
____ neck stiffness breathing ____ tapping
____ ulcer sores in mouth EMOTIONAL ____ pulling hair
____ jaw pains ____ mood changes ____ grinding hair
____ weight loss ____ lack of concentration ____ use of alcohols
____ weight gain ____ nightmares ____ use of medication
____ twitches (eyelids, ____ panic attacks ____ compulsive dieting
face) ____ anxiety ____ hair chewing
____ weakness ____ anger ____ nervous laughter
____nausea ____ irritability ____ pacing
____ indigestion ____ crying ____ lateness
____ excessive sleeping ____ thoughts of suicide ____ putting things off
____ overeating ____ depression ____ not caring about
____ loss of appetite ____ confusion physical appearance
____ inability to sleep ____ feeling of ____compulsive
____ skin problems helplessness overeating
____ constant fatigue ____ restlessness

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