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1. What is the objective of the study and its relevance to education

policy? (4 marks)

This objective of the study is to identify the differences in the level of teacher
adaptation in change in Malaysia education policy in National Secondary Schools
(SMK) and Government Funded Religious Schools (SABK). This objective is totally
relevance to education policy as time by time; our curriculum has undergone many
changes as well as challenges that all the educators have to face. For example, the
changes from KBSR to KSSR, KBSM to KSSM, then we have 1M1S, PBS and many
more. Eventhough the system might be the same as the old one, but how to implement
it in the classroom will give problems to the teachers like PBS. Besides, the skills like
IT skills might be the biggest challenges for some teachers to implement the changes.
So this study is one of the best medium for our ministry and the government to
identify teachers’ level of readiness to adapt with changes and the existence of new
program. At the same time, it will help them to think of the best way how to
implement all the changes in our education system as well as findings way to improve
skills needed for the teachers.
2. What is the research instrument and describe how data is collected.

This research was conducted by using quantitative technique of research. Besides,

simple random sampling technique used at the randomly selected National Secondary
Schools (SMK) and the Government Funded Religious Schools in the state of Kelantan.
This type of sampling is a type of probability sampling in which the researcher randomly
selects a subset of participants from a population. Each member of the population has an
equal chance of being selected. Data is then collected from as large a percentage as
possible of this random subset. For the research instrument, the author had use
questionnaire on the Measure of Adaptive Performance (MAP) and the Individual
Adaptability Theory (I-ADAPT) instrument to 300 samples which come from seven
different schools, SMKs and three SABKs. Based on the article, the questionnaire
focuses on the five dimensions that need to be focuses on which are active learning,
situational adaptation, emotional management, creative application and opinion
flexibility. The items listed are understandable and includes specific questions with the
goal to understand a topic from the respondents’ point of view. Based on the
questionnaire, it consisted of two sections, A and B which is Part A is focused on the
demographics of the study sample that are types of school, gender and age that will be the
variable in the research while Part B dealt with teachers' adaptation to education policy in
Malaysia. The instrument used Likert Scale from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly
disagree) and Cronbach Alpha Value is used to determine the realiability of instrument’s
3. What are the major findings of the study. (4 marks)

Based on the study, it shows that the level of teachers' adaptation was high and
there was no difference in the level of adaptation between SMK and SABK teachers.
Based on the findings, there are 4 dimensions out of 5 dimensions of high teacher
adaptation namely active learning, creative application, emotional management and
opinion flexibility. The Dimension of Situational Adaptation is at a moderate level.

The results clearly shows that teachers as implementer for the education from
both SMK and SABK were able to adapt with the changes occurred and actively in
learning with new IT skills and do preparation for educational policy change. As
teachers, we need to be active in learning to make sure they are fully prepared and able to
face with any challenges happened as the policy changes like relating the new knowledge
with the prior experience to make better learning process. Self-learning can be one of the
elements for active learning as they learn by themselves to fulfill the needs and
knowledge needed like using smartphones to access learning.

Besides, the study also found that teachers are able to think creatively as long as
the educational policy changes were implemented more effectively. Lack of resources is
not a big problem for SABK schools because it found that they are smart in using the
existing resources and being innovative. We could see that challenges can still be
overcome in order to implement the policies either they in SMK or SABK. Next is
emotional management dimensions which is scores the high mean in this study. We could
see that teachers are good in emotional management and able to control negative
emotions. The ability to accept the new environment of education policy in a positive
way is what we could listed out in this study. The way they accept the changes is a key
for the implementation of education policy either in a positive or negative way.

Last but not least is opinion flexibility. The findings shows that teachers from
both of the schools are flexible and open minded with the new policy introduced.
Although they might have some different opinions among themselves, but the result still
found that they are able to consider others’ opinions and adapt with the policies and this
is the quality needed for a better performance in workplace.

4. What is the contribution of the study to education policy in theory or

practice? (4 marks)

This study is an effective way for school administrators and education ministry to
look on at how teachers especially from SMK and SABK responses to new
educational policy. Besides, it will be the references in order to improve teachers'
adaptation to a very high level. This is important because teachers are the leading
implementers of education policy in schools and individuals who can fulfill the
aspiration of the Ministry of Education to place education in Malaysia on par with the
world-class system. Although it might be easy in theory but the challenges will occur
during the practice of the implementation. So this study can help to see how teacher
adapt in terms of active learning, emotional management, how they accept opinions
and many more. It is because teachers are those who used to implement it in the
learning process, so it is a must for the admin to see how they response and how they
adapt with the changes happened in our education policies. Next is this study will help
the admin to see and monitor the facilities needed for the teachers and students as well
as skills needed for the teachers to carry out the new education policies like ICT skills
and many more.

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