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MGM’s College of Engineering and Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai

Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Year -2022-2023

Course Name: Digital Logic & Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Code: CSC 304 lass: SE- B (DSE)

Q.1 Solve the following

1.What is computer organization?

a) structure and behaviour of a computer system as observed by the user
b) structure of a computer system as observed by the developer
c) structure and behaviour of a computer system as observed by the developer
d) All of the mentioned

2. Which of the following is a type of computer architecture?

a) Microarchitecture
b) Harvard Architecture
c) Von-Neumann Architecture
d) All of the mentioned

1. Differentiate between Computer Organization and Computer Architecture.
2. Explain Von Neumann Architecture in detail.
3. Explain the role of various registers used in Von Neumann.
4. Give the block level description of various functional units of a computer.

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