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Company F`egistration No.: 198801314D


The fc>llo`wing terms and conditions apply lo this Contract unless othenA/is8 specified on the face heTeof andtor agreed iipcin in `^/ritlng:

1. SllIF"ENT: The date of the Bill Of Lading shall be accepted as a cmchisrve date Of `tms Corgivact or any other agft©en!(a) win Seifer shall `pcr) the occiirTerce Of 9iicn event,
sliiprment. Parial shlpment Ls atlowred. be immEdiatofy die and payable to Seifer, Biry€r shall pay to Seller default interest on
such s`.m{s} al fifteen pe.ice7it (15%| per amun` thoing the peftod from and lncliiding
2. F>AYMENT: Buyer shall cause to be opened an ir.e`rocaflte totter a( credn ir. (a`rer Of the due date thereof up to init not if`cliidmg the cbte Of the payrneriL iri full of said sum(s)
Seller for the paymat of hurrdred perced (1Ow.) Of the confac;I prce within such (both before and ± jtrdgment) Buyer stiall be obligated untfa the clause wjthoiit any
niirtoer of Oar)rs as notified by Seller to Biryer. Sucli letter ol ered`rt shall be mairitained rl3qu.remenl thal Sener Sends any nct}c8 or dofautt in the paymBnl and I( shall b8
until paymBm in fuH of the coritract price. The !ctter Of credit shau b8 aapned by a tlrst pmsiimed any siich requred notice was delivered by `Ira`/ Of the occurrence Of Such
cfass barik and upon such terms as are ac.ceptable to Seller. Setterts obligatori to ship eveJtr
the goads specified or` the face hereof (-Goods.) shall be oonditfoned upr` the issi/ance
of sucli letter of a.edit. Time Of payiTrerit Shall t}e of the essence of th® ConfacL. ln the even Uiat this Cor`tocl is teiTninated pursuant to thlg clause in addition to the
leTminaliQn pu/si+ant to the commorl Iaw` Seller Tray demand from 8uryer payment of
3. TAXES & DUTIES: B`jyer agrees tha` a]l payments to be made hefeuntlershaw be made cl8rriages for any tosses and expenses irlcurred lheret)y (jnclucltng. but not limited to.
without sctoff or counterclaim and free and clear of, and withc.ut dedut;tfori for: any faxes. atorney.a exptxrses and the fu! amount oT shortfau in ease of Seller resellmg Goods.
levies, lmposts. du`les, charges, feels.I deductions. withholdifpgs or restrictions or where applicabfe) and But/er liereby agrees to lndermify Seller against any claim`
condilfons or any nature whatsoe`rer now or lierea(ten Imposed, levied collected. clerTiand. liability. caise Of acton, loss. damages. ccel and expense and all professional
withhold or assessod by any courmr or by any political subctivision or tax]no aiithority lees .nciirr8cl by Sdler ans!r`g out Of or ln conneelion wth Buyer's default.
thereof or therein. Nc}twithstanding the case of any AnlLDumpir}g lrives`isation or
enforcem©nl in respect of Goodg by any authonty iJnder an}/ applicab!e la`rs, Buyer 15. IIMITATION OF LLABILITY: ln ro e`/enl shad Seller be aable for arty liroidental, speclal.
Shall not bo granted any right to negotiate the price of Goods. cancct or terminate lhis indirec` or consequential damages c)f Buyer. inclirding without llmltation, Iogg ol profits
Contract and Seller 9hall not be obliged (o compensate any loss or damages imeurred or other ecorromic !ces, that may arise urider c)r in cor`redlon with thl3 Contrac`. Total
by Buyer in connection with ArilJ-Dumping lnvesligation or enfcN.cement. liabiltty or Seller under this Contracl. whether based on contract, tort or othe"se. shall
rlct eroeecl or`e hundred percent ( 100%) of !he contrrd pnce,
4. INCREASEIJ C;C)S I 5: lr Seller-s cost a. perlormance ts lncreasecl attiar the dalo ct mts
Corilract by reason Of inc.Base Of thelght rates. taxes. other govenmerttal chages. 16. GOVEFtNING LIAW: This Comract sl`au be oovemed iri all respects by lhe laws of
packing charges` li`siicanc® rates lnctiiding ufar risk` or other cailsB `whlch is beyond S-tngaporo. `vihoul regard to corifliel Of La`^/ p.lnc¢Ies, United NatJofts Conv®nljon on
Seller`s reasonable confrol. then Buyer sliall cx)r7pensate Seller for sucli lnaea5ed Cortects for the lntemational Sale of Goods §hau not apply to oirs Coritracl
costs or darmages or lasses.
]7. ARB\TRATION: Any cbespute 8ri8inq oLit Of or iri connec:lbn wllri lhrs Contr8c\. includir.g
5. DELIVERY Thedeli`rery OfGcnds be rrode acteding to he trade terms cbecrbed any qLlest]on regading is existef`ce. vatdity or LeriTmation slial] be refer.ed to arid
on the face t"eo4. The trade €erms shall bB intaproted acoDrdmg to INColtRMS 2010 rma»y .esotved by aibivaton in Singapre in acoorcfa-`ntith the Arbitralian Rules of
the Singapore [nfiemational ArbitTation Cenrfe rsIAC-) for the time being in tarco, whieh
6. TITIE AND RISK: Risk Of loss or damage lo Goods shall be transferred from SeBer to rut!s are deemed to be inc;orporated by reference in 8iis dause. The Tribunal chall
Buyer 8t the 88ITie lime as delivery oF Goocb under paragraph 5 above` Tile to Goods cansts( Of oii8 (1 I afoifratDr tD be appoirited by the President under dte Arbitatic}n F3u les
shall pess from Seller to Buyer stmiiltariceusly inptth O.e hanstr Of fish ol beg; trileis the Of 8e SIAC. The farigirage Of the a7t}te:torl sriall be Englisli. The seat of the arbTtrallon
face hereof contairis the term .retsrttor` Of REe' or sin3ar ezF©ri. in vyfroh event stall be Smgapere. Ilte ^tetce of ja.bfroton shat be deend to t>e vabdty served on
Clle 1o Goods st`all be reLainecl by SofttF unt]l full payrmaiil Of lri8 cx}nlr8ct prce is made the parfees upori Ehe serTie being lefl al lbe eddrese Of the parties as indx:ated in this
by Buyer. The par`Ies agree lhal lNC0lERhAS 2000 are incorfx.ra ted Floe thrs Contract Con¢ract or at the registered address of the pedees. Wthoul preprdn;a to a party.s rigli(
unless olliefwise agreed heron to enforce ally artnlratBn award tn any country haviTig iursdietioti o`/er the other party
(inefuding the Peoples' Republic of China). the parties hereby agree that the enforcing
7. INSIJF`ANCE & FREIGHT: IT Se8®r is tD effect irisur8f`ce acceding lo the trade torrms.
party can select ally province(s} t* city{ies} to enforce the a]bfrotion award. For the
such lnsiiraLnco shan be offBcl8d by Seder for 10% o`.er the contract prloe. Any avoidar}ce ot doubt the rules ancl proceedings sat fo7th in the Afrothtion Rijles of the
unforeseen irurease in rreight artd/or mar`ne and `raT rrsk iirsurance premnjm. SIAC shall apply e`reri in cases where this Conlr@ct (inchiding claL[§e 17 hereto)
subsequerit tD the date Of this Cor}tract. stTall be for Bu)fer's aconJril coritains contrary terTTts. The arbitatlon award shad be final, nan-appealable. nori.
clispiilatie , nod-challengeatie and bind irig upon the parties hereto. Ncftythsfariding the
8. INSPECTION: fr the manutaclurer of Goods or olher deslgnee of Seder oo`nducts ar`
foregoing. e/lhe. party hereto may seek injunchve relief or any other provisional .emecly
Inspection Of Goods prior lo §hipnrerit. Such inspection sf`all 13e considered final and
in a court of compeiei`I jur§dk;tioii.
bindlng. Wlien il rs agreed that Buyer wlll conduct an additlc)rral imspectlon. Buyer shall
inTcrm Seller Of the identity Of its appChrllecl Inspector al the tlrme Of the format]on Of this 18. SEVERABILITY. lf any portion Of this Contract is lield invalid by a court Of competent
Contract and such insi]echon fees shall be bone by BuyeT
jiinsdic`ion. such porltori shall be deemed to be ol no lorce and effecl and this Cori`ract
stiall be constriied as if sueh por!ton had not beeii inclucled herein. provided however.
9. WAF!RANTY: The warranty for Goods lo be given by Seller to Buyer shall be slrlcuy
if the deletion of such pro\rfeion materra«y inpairs tlie ccimmercial value Of this Contract
lirmtod to lhoae expressly given by the manufactLirer of Goods to Seller in writing and
lo either party, the partice sl`all altompt to ren8gotiate sLich provision in good faith The
provided to Buyer. Except ta the extent provlded therein, Seller heretry disclaims any tact that any pro`ris®n ol this Coritract shall be prohibited or unenforceable in ariy
and all warranties with ro8pect to Goods, expressed or irnplied, including, but not lin"ted
to. waTrant]e3 of merchantebill.ty. 9Bttsfactory quality, fitr`ese tor a spedfe/pertoular jurisdicl)on sha» not invareat® or roncler urreriforceable such provisiori in ariy a(her
jurisdiction. TQ the extent pendtled by applic:able law, the parties walve any provisbn
purpose, ir[`ellE.cfual praperty nghts and warran6es agairut defects Of Goads tiride. of la`Ar that renders any provisbri o1 IJiis Contract prohit*ted or unenforeeable in any
afapl icable faun.
10. CtAIMS: Any dalm by a(Jyer regardino Goods §rraq be nowiod by Buyer to S®qer wihtn
19. THIRD F'AFZTY F?lGHTS: Nothing in uiis Contrcel Shall t>e cor`s!dered or coTB`rued as
thirty {30} days after the orri`/a! thereof al tl`e destir`ation €pedfi¢d ir` the relevant Bill Of
cc\ntBr{i{\g ar.y rlghl or benchil c.a a person nat a party lo this Cc\nl{ac.t ancl lhe parlles
lad`ng. If Buyer cfairus for alleged breach ct \ararrantioa` Buyer ahao. togett`er `^#h Such
do not intend that any term Of this CcH`tract shouto be enfortcab7e. by vlrtiie c.i the
notice. Submit an indeper[®er)I silr`re]/or`s roporf and fun and fveal `a"en statement
Cun8zn;ta (RiglTt> u. Tl*J Pdili€zo) Ac;l (Cap/. 538}, hy ai.y pt:Ta<in wlro is .iol pdlly lu
speeffying the perticulars oT al! defecis wtiich Buyer has dist#./efed. In the e`rem Buyer
fails to provide such notice (and the report and the `mtterl statenred if applieable) withiri
uts Contract.
such thlrty {30) days peried, Buyer 9hall t>e deemed to have `yarved any claim win 20. MISCELLANEOUS. Coriceanti8I informatiori ar oilhor pe.ty disclo§Bd to the cthe. sh81l
respect `o Goods and Seller sha`` not be lratle ttrerofor` Wth iespeet to a defect in r\errzaln concdenoa/ arid shall rtol be dzsclceec] to ally ctner patty without the orlor `whtten
Gc]Dds praperly nolifeed by Bnyer. Solfer shat repair, rapface c= oth8rmse cLnro such car)se!il Of the d§sdosing party, This Cadtlracl s.had not be assgned by Buyer wilhoLil
defect as Seller deems fit, awhich shall ba eacchisii+a af any other remedy pro`nded b`r the prior `aFrdlen consct Of Sctler Arty ane!xpled assisrrment shall be void This
:a£`£ra%:?aa','t::=g:¥y:¥##Bmu%ra:%#sg#£,=nd Contract col.s6hnes the erfue agTeentent bctiRaeen llie perties `awh respect to {ne
suti8ct manes- hffeof and supersedes all previous 8greerrtenLs` nsgotrattors and
comlTiltmonts , aral or written. bet`^/aen the partlcs {n respect tha7oto` No mcrfu'ficatlon of
11. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Seller shall rroL be respof``sible for ariy infrmgei'nent Of
this Contract shall be binding except by `.witten agr®emont signed by both pan!es
patonl utility mocfel, trade marl( or name. design. patl®m. consB`Jctk}n of cx}pynght or
other intellectual property rights with respect to Gocx]s. Nothing co.ilamed heTein shall 21. SUFIVIVAl: All ter[rs and coriditor[s with respect to payment. tares. increased ocBts.
be construed as transferring any patent` uldity rrodel. trade mark or nane{ desigri, de{rvery. mle and Tisk. irtgtrmce and freignl` inspectron. warranty, claims, intewecLual
patterT`. constnjcttciri or copyTigh[ cxr other inteifec`ual property rights in Goods: all such property, force mixpuTe, liTrtitaGon oT liaDdrty. governing law, arbjtTatJan` confiden`Lal
rights are erpressly reserved {o the trLle arid lai^ful owners thereiof lnrormation. aseigriment. an entre agreement and modiricatlon c}f lhs Contract shall
survrve tl`e expitaton or tcrTmnat[on Of this Contrac:I.
12. NO WAIVEFt: F.ailu.e or delay of Sctier lo eo<ercise a right or power under tliese terTns
and ooncliton§ shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor sllaq any Single or parlfal 22. CAPTIONS' TTie captions used heroin are for re{erenee purposes c>nly arid have no
exercise of a right cx. power preelilde any ofller future exeroise thereof. effect iipon the consLruction or interpretatton of any terms and conditions herein.
13. PACKING` Ttie make-up. pack!ng. packagirig and rr.aching snail be at St>ller.a optori. 23. ELECTRONK> DOCUMENTS: This Conhacl may be signed in two or mote couriterparts`
each of whleh shall be deoded to be 8n orlglni]l. Aslgned or olectronlc slgnBd copy Of
14. EVENT OF DEFAULT: ln the event (i) Bi.ytr breaches any of the lernrs and condit}ons
this Conlr8ct transmitted by omail or olher means of oloclrDnlc tranemlsslon (whether
Of lhls Contract or any a(her agreement(s) \uth Seller, (ii) Buyer becomes or `hi.eafens
scanried` ln pdf format or oth8rwrse) shall be deemed to have the same leg8I effect as
to become lnsohre]nl or ls unablo to pay its c!ebts `^hen diia, (il() the whole or any
substantial pert Of the busir.ass Of Bvyer is ramsfrod to a third party by agroerneri!, order of ¢el`very of ari orisinal e.teouLed copy Of tw=i Contract for all puTpo§e§. The elec\rorrically-
reproduced version of this Contect shall rot be denied lEgd effect, validfty, or
ccrurt cd. crfuen^rbe, (iv) a recelv8r, triistea or sinilar officer Corer aft or any part of the
Buyer`s property or a6s8ts is andl.or shaH be appointed ardtr any bankruptcy.
Insolvency, roorgarilzaton. arr8Trmenl dissolution. Irouaaoon or sinilar proceeding
refaGng to it under the la`va Of any jurisdictori is instfujtcd by or agaiust 9tjyQT andfor {v)
[he dectronical[y-reFreduced veisfon ol this Conlracl §hall be deemed ailhente and an
accurate reproductlori Of the onginal. and the a`thontlclty oT accuracy of the same shall
any olner event occurs \wnlch anikl in the reascm8bte apinlon al Sdier ha+re a matenBl
not be challenged in a cca!rt or in arbmetpn `.nless ©`ither party tf>nders adequate
act/erse afecf on the abllit}/ Of Btryer to perfum ally Of as abmafons he!arfer or Lmder any
e`.idence of tampermg `*th the eleetronmaBy-reprtrd`iced \versron
cther agreemenqs} with SeDer` then Seller shall ha`re the right to {i} tor-ale all or any
part of this Contract or any o«`er agreement(s) un.lh Seller and/or (ii) postpone or
suspend shipment of or c]elIvery of Goods, aritl ao cnitstanding suTus pad to Seter under



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