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Project report in Chemistry 2022-2023 on

Green Chemistry

Vaibhav Upadhyay
This is to hereby certify that the original and
genuine investigation work has been carried out to
investigate the subject matter and the related data
collection and investigation has been completed
solely, sincerely by Vaibhav Upadhyay of class
XII(PCM) concerning the project entitled “Green

Hemant Umre
Rajeev Gandhi Higher Secondary School

In the accomplishment of this project successfully, I utilize this

opportunity to thank all the people who have bestowed upon me

their blessings and their heart pledged support.

I would like to thank my Chemistry Teacher Mr. Hemant Umre,

whose valuable guidance and cooperation throughout the project

have helped me to patch this project and make it full proof success.

His suggestions and instructions in all the stages of my work have

served as the major contribution towards the completion of this

Index Topic Page
1 Objective 1
2 Introduction 2
3 Principles of 4
green chemistry
4 Biodiesel 10
5 Making Of 13
6 Testing of 17
7 Conclusion 23
8 Bibliography 24

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