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My life my wealth

My life is my health because it is said

that health is wealth. We have seen in the society
that many people are having lot of wealth but on
unfortunately they don't have proper health to
enjoy that wealth.
We should give our top most priority to our health
because if our health is good we can enjoy everyday.
Without proper health we cannot enjoy anything.
We should eat proper food and go for exercise
everyday. Good food habits always keep our health
in proper way. Though outside food is tasty but we
should avoid it. Outside food always creates bad
impact on our health.
We should develop good habits like go to bed early
and wake up early. Have a
good breakfast and homemade food in lunch and
dinner. we should drink a lot of water and eat
fruits and vegetables on daily basis.
I used to follow all the good habits to keep my
health in proper way because I consider my life as
my health. If I will keep my health properly then
definitely I will protect my life. I also suggest each
and everyone that you should also develop good
habits to make your life safe.



Because if we don’t have good health, all of our
money, fame, and power won’t be able to provide
us with any satisfaction, health is more important
than wealth. Maintaining one’s physical fitness and
state of health is not an alternative but rather an
absolute requirement.

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