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Many Nepalis have seen the federal project as zero-sum.

Janajati and Madhesi activists felt that anything less achieving

their full aspirations would represent total failure. On the other
side, the conservative Khas Arya political elite and intellectuals
believed that federalism would undermine national unity and

Krishna Khanal, Accord 26 author and Professor of Political

Science at Tribhuvan University (1979-2010) 
Episodic violence has gripped parts of the country since the
CPA, often to protest unfulfilled promises of inclusion by
political actors. Many perceive the 2015 Constitution as having
failed to fulfil the aspirations of many marginalised groups for
greater participation and rights. And victims of violence
committed by prominent political actors are yet to see
accountability or justice. Although there have been significant
instances of social and political progress in Nepal over the past
decade, social justice remains a long way off for many Nepalis
outside the prevailing elite.

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