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Good Morning Everyone. This Is the Era of Morden Technology It Ensures

A Bright Future around the World. Sky Is The Limit For What A Man Can
Achieve With Science. Handful Of Interesting Technologies Like Self-Driving
Cars, Neuralink, Satellite Based Cellular Service, Space Tourism, E-Trade,
Edutech, Humanoids ,Healthcare Etc…

Technology Of Future
GOOGLE'S SELF-DRIVING CAR Project, Called WAYMO, Uses a Mix of
Sensors, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging -- A Technology Similar To Radar)
And Cameras Incorporate Into Its Deep Learning Algorithms To Self-Accelerate
The Vehicle
That Develops Implantable Brain–Machine Interfaces Would Allow A Computer
To Translate A Person's Thoughts Into Action—Eventually Allowing The
Individual To Do Anything We Do Today Through Typing, Pressing Buttons, Or
Manipulating A Mouse Or Joystick—By Simply Thinking
Using Advanced Satellites in a Low Orbit, Starlink Provides Satellite Internet
Which Can Even handle High Data Rate Activities That Have Not Been Possible
with Satellite Internet
SPACE TOURISM could be Possible very soon, but only for the very wealthy
people who could afford to pay 125 million dollars could spend a week in orbit.
Rocket companies like Blue Origin and Space X, Virgin. Have Also Successfully
Finished Their Test Flights. Giving hope for commercial space travels
Bioo is a Spanish start-up which can generate electricity from plant’s minute
energy radiations. Forests can become the energy stations of the future
According to Forbes, by 2050, IoT technology will be in 95% of electronics and
it is expected to have everything connected to the cloud and to the internet.

No one knows what’s going to happen in the future, but the new technology
can at least give us a direction for the future. I conclude my speech by saying
The Fate of Science and Technology Is Splendid and has a bright future around
the globe and can enrich and support humanity

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