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A Plastic Surgery and post operative treatment by Dr Leo Kah Woon

I got the surgery done without Liposuction on 29/10/21. I was
taken a in surgical room at 12:30 and discharged at around 3:30
pm after 2 hours post surgery observation so surgery was done
pretty fast. The surgical wound had 2 layers dressing – steri tape
on glue and white dressing on top.
General Anaesthesia was given with consent via injection. No IV
or discussion or administration of Prophylaxis Antibiotics details
of type quantity or quality was discussed or shared for this
major surgery where my stomach was fully cut open.
I was given 5 days Antibiotics which ended on 2nd Nov. Wound
was not cleaned and Seroma bottles remained inserted inside
my body through tubes until 5th Nov. Even though there was no
liposuction but there was heavy discharge which the doctor
explained as seroma.
On 4th Nov, I had informed the doctor of the itchiness due to
unclean wound via whatsapp but he said it is fine as he
schemed to make the wound rot. I informed that the white
dressing had come off due to itching.

On 5th Morning, The drain bottle fell and pulled the
stitch which started bleeding. The bottle had no
vacuum and I recollected that doctor advised that
the bottle need to be removed and then I need to
come to clinic for a replacement. I recollected the
process showed by nurse and clipped the pipe.
Accordingly, I informed the doctor that I have
removed the bottles as advised by him at 7:30am. I
reached clinic at 8:30 am, doctor unclipped the
drain pipes and removed its fluid. I could see the
fluid draining out but he told me that the pipes are
blocked. He then removed the whole fluid drainage
system himself. A lot of fluid drained out at the
doctors clinic
He then packed the wound with another plastic
dressing without cleaning the wound or removing
the steri tape on the Surgical sight.
On 8th November, I was without antibiocs for 5 days
and I informed the doctor that the wound is
draining with the dressing on it and he said
On 10th November, I informed him of fever and he
continue to scheme on my skin rotting. He did not
advice any antibiotics even after the alarm and said

On 12th November, I reached clinic as he called to remove surgical
suture but with packed plastic dressing soaked in seroma and no
antibiotics for past 10 days, the wound rotted.
When the steri-tape which was affixed on the day of surgery was
removed for the first time and I first saw the surgical wound. As
expected as it was 15 days packing of the wound without cleaning
so the wound is as per photo.

Wound appeared like surgical cut split of 2 cm max. The depth

was only 0.5 cm. The doctor told me that this is small and will
heal in sometime but he actually created conditions for it to
become 10 cm deep wound. He didn’t give any medication and
told me to continue to bind the tummy tightly (so that blood flow
stops and so does the healing). He told me that there is seroma in
my tummy which needs to be removed. I agreed but he suggested
that in next review we will access the same.

He then applied a grey foam as in photo and said that this is silver
foam but he did not display any packaging. There was no powder
or metallic appearance on the foam. Also nurse was holding it in
her hand without gloves. As expected it made the wound worse
and created the necrotic wound. Now only Meplilex can confirm if
this foam is their Nanosilver foam. 3
On 17th Nov, I informed Dr Leo Kah Woon that the
wound is smelly and I removed the foam to check
the wound. I informed him that it has increased
wound size but he replied that:
1) Any raw (leaking) wound should remain packed
(no air drying).
2) He claimed me that my wound is healing as
expected so no medical care is required.
3) I told him that both wound and dressing is
smelling very bad but he insisted that I just
follow to his command.
4) He again highlighted that he applied silver
dressing but fact is he had used a normal foam
to scheme the skin dehiscence.
5) I begged him to treat me for Seroma and end
this torture but he was at extreme of his devil
form to take me towards a skin grafting by
causing skin ischaemia by binding my tummy
very tight. (so that oxygen gets blocked and
necrosis spreads through Bacteria).

By 17th Nov, Skin necrosis (Black skin) was clear. It
17/11/21 spreads fast in matter of hours and cause death.
Even with treatment 20% of necrosis patients die
and I was now experiencing it but had no idea of
what is happening to me due to sickness and
fatigue. Due to binding my tummy flap did not
have any sensation.

On 19th Nov, I informed Dr Leo that my wound has

18/11/21 pus discharge. The wound spread quickly. I also
also told him that I need antibiotics. But he again
declined saying “THE WOUND IS OK”.
You can clearly see this wound and just imaging it
on you face skin to understand the complication.
Is a plastic surgeon expected to do nothing? All he
did was to leave it to get worse and wait for
another round of surgery which might be
unacceptable globally but Singapore medical
council supports it as an acceptable treatement
(or no treatment).
I was not given any option of medication or
seroma treatment to make it worse and finally
after 20 days of wound it was taken through a
On 20th Nov, I went to the clinic with an
even more worsened wound with pus
discharge, red and swelling. Maximum
wound height increased to 3 cm and the
impacted area increased. Dressing
change was done but no treatment for
seroma or wound dehiscence again.
On 22nd Nov, I informed Dr Leo that my
skin necrosis is increasing so that he can
still decide for me as my physical and
mental alertness deteriorated due the to
infection and I respected his profession.
He continued to work on his scheme
while I was feeling very sick and nearing a
life ending scenario.


22/11/21 (The photos are in reflection as selfie. Right
side of the wound is more wide and highly

On 23rd I had fever and I again informed

him as it was agreed with Dr Leo that I will
need to keep him updated. The wound was
25/11/21 hurting and it was already over 26 days
from the surgery date.

On 24th wound started to leak with the skin

dehiscence spread. I could smell of my
body part rotting and lost self confidence. I
became delusional that a doctor can save
me while he was the one causing it.

On 25th Nov I visited clinic and only a

dressing change was done. No medication
was given to me again. He told me to come
for a clean-up surgery on 30th ..
On 25/11/21, fluid drained out without
medical assistance. Doctor Leo said that he
was waiting for this confirming that he
intentionally did not help me from 5th Nov
to date to create this .

On 28th Nov I informed Dr Leo that the

wound still drains a lot and asked him for
medication but he lied that there is none. I
told him that if he does a cleanup then that
wound will continue to drain and he lied
that it will not drain as he will insert a drain
27/11/22 pipe which is the only solution.

The Singapore medical council wrote to me

28/11/22 saying that there is no infection from 29th
October to 3rd December. My wound
spread from 2 cm wide to 5 cm without
treatment. The wound showed 3 tunnelling
holes discharging fluid and the one on right
was at least 10 cm deep.
The infection was spreading fast and by
evening of 28th Nov, the wound split. Under
the black skin on right (photo is in reflection
mode) there was a deep hole of at least 2
inches. On middle and left also there were
tunnelling holes due to fluid. The wound
started bleeding and Dr Leo was again
happier as another step towards his scheme
advance. He said “YES. NORMAL. COS THE

On 30th November he did a cleanup surgery.

Again only 5 days Antibiotics with seroma
bottles left inside and wound continued to
leak. I was feeling terribly sick, weak and in a
state of confusion on how I landed to this
state with such a proclaimed safe
procedure. On 2nd December wound started
to leak again.

On 3rd December fresh blood showed on wound and I lost hope
that I will survive. I confronted Dr Leo for all his lying so far and
inability to treat the condition. He said the only way is to go
through OT again for cleanup. I rushed to Raffles hospital and
they gave me stronger antibiotics to heal. My wound stopped
draining immediately with antibiotics medication contrary to Dr
Leo who continued to fail over 1 month in healing a wound.

After 1 year now I live with hard knots at the wound area and de-
shaped stomach. On the right side of wound has thick scar which
leaks on and off with pain aggravating every few days. When
consulted with a general surgeon, he advised that there is
infection debris under the skin which needs cleaning.

Singapore Police decided not interfere in this matter and

suggested to contact SMC. I wrote to SMC and they replied
distorting the facts and thus failed to address them too.

Analysis of SMC

SMC formed opinion that seroma accumulation were due to drains

were removed by me while in pt 19 above Dr Leo wrote that he is
the one who removed the drain pipes. There was hardly 1 hour gap
when the bottles were removed and clipped to when the pipes were
removed. The fact is that I had agreed for removal of pipes as they
were inside my body without antibiotics, they were attached with
stitches which were bleeding.
I had undergone a surgery without liposuction and it was over 8 days
from the date of surgery on 5th Nov. Seroma bottles are optional for
a surgeons who know how to perform the surgery well. Dr Leo used
this to claim that this made him upset and he removed the pipes and
also encouraged him to mistreat me. Is this a doctor Mafia? Other
patients have also experienced the same as I googled. This appears
to cause a lot of suffering in many lives but can anything help?11

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