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BBC News.

A senior epidemiologist to the World Health Organization, Maria Van Kerkhove, has told the BBC
that she is enraged of the global failure to deliver vaccines at scale outside high-income countries.

Ms. Van Kerkhove said it was still possible to meet the WHO target of 70% vaccination in every
country by July this year.

South Africa’s parliament has suffered further catastrophic damage after a fire that was believed to
have been brought under control reignited.

Officials say the entire national assembly chamber has been destroyed along with some important

The authorities in Haiti say they foiled an attempt to assassinate the Premier Minister Ariel Henry
during Saturday’s events marking the country’s Independence Day.

Local media reported that the incident happened outside a church in the city of Gonaives.

The Tunisian government has acknowledged for the first time that it has detained the Vice
President of the Islamic Ennahdha Party, Noureddine Bhiri, and placed him under house arrest.

Mr. Bhiri, a former justice minister was seized on Friday from outside his house.

The Columbia government says at least 17 people have died in clashes, between rebel group
fighting to control drug trafficking routes near the Venezuelan border.

President. Ivan Duque has called an emergency meeting with police and armed forces

Several French politicians say they received death threats on social media in response to their
support for a Covid-19 vaccine pass.

The new law would require people to show proof of vaccination to use public transport or enter a
range of hospitality venues.

After months of negotiations, David Bowie's estate has sold the singer's entire catalogue of songs
to the Warner Music Group.

BBC News.

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