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Name: Rachel Mae Laforga Date: 12/17/2022

Course/Section: BS Psychology 2B Score:


1.Make a written documents - Analysis worksheet about the first issue of La Solidaridad or Rizal's Essay and
“Los Agricultores Filipinos” (The Filipino Farmers)

This essay dated March 25, 1889, was the first article of Rizal published in La Solidaridad. In this writing,
he depicted the deplorable conditions of the Filipino farmers in the Philippines, hence the backwardness of the

It explains the nature of the relationship among people, whether subjects of a government or citizens of a
nation. It further discussed the basis of government and how people should conduct themselves under that
government system. The importance of the united society as well as the conflicts within that society are also
included in this essay. It is a critical piece that has been used by many scholars on political, social, and economic
issues today.

The following are some of the interesting points made by Rizal in his essay: First, he states that the state
is not a product of nature, but an artificial entity created by the people through social contract. This is because a
society in which everyone is free to independently pursue their own ends would lead to chaos and confusion. The
only way to ensure that order is maintained is for the state to impose rules and regulations by which its members
must live by. Second, he points out the inherent conflict between the individual and the state. On the one hand,
individuals seek to satisfy their material desires by pursuing wealth and fame while on the other hand, the state
has a duty to protect its citizens from the selfish motives of others. In the end, the interests of the two parties do
not always coincide. Third, he asks whether the individual should be subservient to the state which was created
by his/her own free will. He argues that since the state has ultimate control over our lives, it is not right for us to
blindly follow its laws without thinking of the consequences. Instead, we should make our voices heard so that
we can influence policy decisions so that they will be beneficial to us as well as the rest of society.

2. Explain the principle of assimilation advocated by Propaganda Movement

The Philippines' Propaganda Movement was an attempt to improve the nation. The goal of the
movement was to make Filipinos equal to Spaniards in the nation. Assimilation of the Philippines as a regular
province of Spain mainly speak about not being totally independent to the Spaniards. We are not totally freed
from the violence made during the 19th century. It is because if the Philippines are province of Spain, then all
the privileges and opportunities given to the Spaniards should be the same with the Filipinos, but we all know
that didn’t happened during the 19th century. So, the propaganda movement aims individual liberties for the
Filipinos. If we will not be assimilated by Spain, then we can have our freedom and total independent.

3. Appraise Rizal's relationship with the other Propagandist

Rizal along with the other Propagandist indeed proved that pen is mightier than sword. They have used
together their intelligent and courage to build a strong group to fight with the Spaniards. With their little
movement, it has impacted a lot of people including the Spaniards and later the Filipinos. With this revolution, it
came to a change, even if there are failure in La Solidaridad as a publishing company during that time, Rizal did
not stop their and tried to establish the La Liga Filipina to continue the propaganda for the Filipinos to aim the
complete freedom from the Spaniards. Even if Andres Bonifacio has a different view in terms of seeking justice
for them, at least at this point, the only goal is to claim the independence of the Filipinos in the hands of the
Spaniards who assimilated the Philippines during the 19th century.

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