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Direction: Write 5 word or phrases that come to your mind when you hear the word FREEDOM and
explain how that word or phrases is related to the word freedom.

Freedom is an intrinsic and essential property of the person.
 One of the important indications of human freedom is the ability to make choices and perform
actions. Freedom sets us apart from animal and from other beings.
 It is the power or right to act, speak or think as you want without hindrance or restraint.
 Freedom is rooted in the human person's self-determination and the exercise of intellect and
free will. This means that a person's every action is freely determined and these actions define
him or her.

Kinds of Freedom
1. Physical Freedom. It refers to the absence of any physical restraint. Meaning, it allows us to move
from one place to another and to go wherever we want to go.
2. Psychological Freedom. The person is free to perform actions that he or she considers right and
wise. This freedom is innate or natural and cannot be denied. This is also called freedom of choice.
3. Moral Freedom. It refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and goodness.
We are become freer when we use our freedom well, but become less free when we use it in a bad

Elements of Freedom
1. Voluntariness. This is the ability of a person to act out of his or her own free will and self-
2. Responsibility. It refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their
consequences. Taking responsibility can either mean a person voluntarily taking responsibility for his
or her own actions, or being held responsible by other people.

Human Acts
According to Dimson (2015), a human act is referred to as the human activity of man as man by
which he obtains an end he wants to obtain. Human acts are the rational acts of human person which
involve understanding and free will. Human act can be morally good or morally bad.
Dimson (2015) also discussed the three essential attributes of Human Acts.

Three essential attributes of Human Acts:

1. Knowledge. It is performed consciously.
2. Free will. It is performed freely.
3. Voluntary. It is done willfully.
Any actions that lack of these attributes are not considered as Human Acts.

Acts of Man are instinctive or involuntary.

1. Ignorance - Lack of knowledge in a certain thing.
2. Fear - It is a mental disorder brought on by the apprehension of some present or imminent danger.
3. Passion - Considered as mental responses, either tendencies towards desirable objects or
tendencies away from undesirable objects.
4. Violence - Is a forced exerted on a person by another person in order to compel him to perform a
certain action against his will.
5. Habits - is a constant that tends to influence one to perform repeatedly similar actions.
These are the actions connected with the person‘s body. Examples are sleeping, beating of the heart,
digestion, blinking of the eye, eating, and walking.

Demonstrate freedom of choices and realizing the consequences of choices

The reality that we have to face as we exercising our freedom is the fact that freedom is
experienced through the act of making choices. Human freedom should be exercised with control and
recognition of reasonable limits.

Freedom of Choice and its Consequences

The ability to exercise one’s freedom in any manner is called freedom of choice.

Like for example you were asked to choose one prize. Seemingly, all of them are great prizes.
However, if you will ever weigh the pros and cons of each prize, you will easily realize that one may
be better than the other.

For example, if you choose the luxury car, the high cost of maintenance and gasoline may
burden you. The Korean trip would also be fun but seems too impractical.

In choosing which prize to get, you have already exercised your freedom to make decisions.
However, it is important to realize that the choices you make have corresponding consequences. (I
hope, 2018)

Freedom of Choice and its Limits

The only exception to this rule is when an absolute choice harms or delimits the self and
others. It can be compared to a cause and effect relationship where a decision concludes with a
corresponding effect on the person Freedom of choice also includes the way one act towards
another. All forms of action, therefore, are brought about by a person’s decision to accomplish n
them. (I hope, 2018)

Demonstrating Prudence in all Choices

Prudence is an act of making a good judgment that allows a person to avoid risks. It is
important to be prudent at all times to prevent any harm that a decision may cause. In making a
decision, it is critical to determine the adverse effects beforehand to avoid greater risks. In exercising
prudence in choices it implies that we already criticized all available options, and well thought of
choice has been made. (I hope, 2018)

Direction: Read the following scenarios. Identify whether the scenario in each item depicts Physical
Freedom, Psychological Freedom or Moral Freedom.

1. Alex by nature is short. However, he is very alethic. He plays lawn tennis whenever there is a
chance. He does not suffer from any physical restraint.
2. Instead of spending her excess allowance on a new pair of shoes, Monique decided to donate the
money to the affected of lockdown in their barangay due to COVID-19.
3. Mr. Pantalunan is a righteous man. He was never charged for any immortality. Therefore, he is
free from any moral restraint.
4. Despite threats made on his life, the witness decided to come forward and reveal the important
information regarding the crime he witnessed.
5. Mr. Britos choose to live his life bound by adherence of virtues such as honesty, loyalty,
forgiveness and self-discipline.

6-7. Give the two elements of Freedom
8-12. Give five acts of man/reasons why human take action
13-15. Give the three essential attributes of human acts


Intersubjectivity means a condition of relationship between subjects or person.

Philosophically, when the self recognizes others and the other recognizes the self, intersubjectivity

Empathy – it is the ability to share emotions and an important aspect of intersubjectivity. This
emotion is driven by a person’s awareness that the other is a person with thoughts and feelings.

- is an interaction between two persons that happens through speech or the use of words,
expression, and body language.
- it is a deep and genuine relationship between a person.
- it happens when two person truly acknowledge each other’s presence and treat other as equal,
when this happen that will be the beginning of an authentic relationship.

Obstacles of Dialogue
1. Seeming vs. Being
Seeming– it is a way of approaching the other governed by the image one desires to impress
Being– it is a way of approaching other and show who he/she really is.
2. Speechifying vs. Personal Making Present
Speechifying- hearing without listening to what one says.
Personal Making Present– a process of fully opening oneself to other.
3. Imposition vs. Unfolding
Imposition– it is telling other how they should act and respond to things.
Unfolding– seeing other as unique.

2 Kinds of Relationship (according to Martin Buber)

 I-Thou Relationship – refers to a human person as a subject, who is different from things or
 I-It Relationship – refers to person to thing, subject to object that is merely experiencing and

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly and straight forward.
1. How does empathy enable persons to establish genuine relationships with others?
2. What is availability? Have you ever made yourself available for other?
3. What enables human person to establish meaningful interaction with others?
Research on a person with disability who has lived a productive and meaningful life despite his/her
disability. Discussed his/her background, significant achievement, as well as the traits that enabled
him/her to succeed in life.

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