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We have been learning, in history of ideas, about many great ideas.

Almost all of them have had

their short comings. Many of them contradict each other. With the help of examples, wherever
suitable, explain what this may have contributed to your own self-awareness and your awareness
about the world in general

ANSWER: Ideas are linked with mind, body, and soul which further impacts on economics, social,
psychological, and political life. The idea of change vs reality made me cope with my own soul which
is reality in itself and a deeper version of own self which is unchanging and to examine my
unexamined life is not worth living. like deeply analyzing strengthens, doing critical question to open
up the hidden layers inside you. It’s the human capacity to make direct contact with self through gut
feeling you have and however, entire world, science, universe, and structure is changing that means
it is manifestation of illusion which can’t be trusted and will not take us to full awareness. With the
help of habits, we got great products like personality trait through which we get to know about our
personality types with the help of inductive reasoning. Like habit of getting early up in the morning
will eventually have the repeated actions. Eventually, personality types are the reflects of your own
self which is self-awareness and to solve your everyday life according to your structure of self by
language which has the potential to portray the world. Cosmological argumentative directs us to the
origin of the world and beginning as the finite with one mover of the universe.

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