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Comparative Essay
Samsung V/S Nokia
Mobile User is divided into two sections. One which goes for Less Price and other who cares
about the features and doesn’t care about the price. Smartly, Samsung did provide a lot of basic
features in low price and introduced Smartphones series with a wide range of products for other
section of mobile users. On the contrary, Nokia was highly rigid on price level and concentrated
more on quality rather on focusing to provide the advanced features to their users which is one
of the main causes behind the downfall of the Nokia Company.

Netflix V/S Blockbuster

Blockbuster is a former video rental business that dominated the American market for decades.
It failed to modify its business operations to reflect changing technology and customer video
watching needs. At the time when it went bankrupt, it was making huge losses. Netflix, on the
other hand, started small and capitalized on changing technology. Instead of running physical
stores like Blockbuster, it sent DVDs to customers via mail and, later, offering video streaming
services to customers at a small subscription fee. The success of Netflix and Blockbuster's
failure is due to the strategic choices the two companies made. Netflix adopted a better strategic
positioning model by focusing on changing technology to win market share and offer customers
a compelling product. In contrast, Blockbuster chooses acquisitions and franchises, which are
expensive models, but profitable at first. The strategic choices made it harder for the company
to change, and the result is that it lost out to Netflix.

Google V/S Yahoo

Mission statements, in and of themselves, are not really all that important. But organizations
do need a clear and compelling sense of purpose. Leaders of great brands use brand purpose as
a compass and engine for their organizations. Without the long-term commitment to a
definitive purpose, Yahoo has been rudderless. While Google has mastered brand strategy and
management, Yahoo has lacked a definitive brand purpose and future-oriented brand vision.


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