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Designed By Jennifer Conner

Difficulty: Intermediate Abbreviations:

Materials: About 400 yds. Sport

CH: Chain
SC: Single crochet
Weight\Fine. Two skeins of Vanna’s
DTR: Double treble crochet
Glamour® Yarn in Platinum were used
Sl St: Slip stitch
in the shawlette pictured.
Sk: Skip

Tools: G\6-4.25MM

Jennifer Conner ©2014

Explanations and special stitches:

3dtr cluster:
YO 3 times, insert hook into specified stitch, (YO, pull through 2 loops) 3 times (You should have 2 loops
remaining on your hook) YO 3 times, insert hook into same stitch as first dtr, (YO pull through 2 loops) 3
times. (You should now have 3 loops remaining on your hook) YO 3 times, insert hook into same stitch as
first and second dtr, (YO pull through 2 loops) 3 times. (You should now have 4 loops remaining on your
hook) YO and pull through the last 4 loops remaining on the hook.

2dtr cluster:
This stitch Starts with a 5 chain as instructed in the pattern. YO 3 times, insert hook into the 1st ch of ch 5
made, (YO, pull through 2 loops) 3 times, (You should have 2 loops remaining on your hook) YO 3 times,
insert hook into same stitch as first dtr, (YO pull through 2 loops) 3 times. YO and pull through last 3 loops
remaining on hook.

Pattern notes:
The slips stitches in the beginning of the even rows create a decrease on the even rows only

Ch 258

Row 1: Dtr in 11th ch from hook, ch 5, skip 4, 3dtr cluster in next ch, ch5, 3dtr cluster in next ch,
ch5, sk 4, dtr in next ch, ch 5, sk 4, sc in next ch, *ch 5, sk 4, dtr in next ch, ch 5, sk 4, 3dtr
cluster in next ch, ch 5, 3dtr cluster in next ch (2 top petals made), ch 5, sk 4, dtr in next ch,
ch 5, skip 4, sc in next ch. Repeat from * across. (12 total pattern repeats)

Row 2: Ch 1, slip stitch across (4 ch, dtr, 5 ch, 3dtr cluster, 2 ch), sc in same ch 5 space as last 2 sl
st, *ch 5, dtr in next dtr, ch 5, 2dtr cluster in first of ch 5 made, 3dtr cluster in next ch 5
space, 3dtr cluster in next ch 5 space, ch 5, 2dtr cluster in first ch of ch 5 made (4 bottom
petals made), dtr in next dtr, ch 5, skip next ch 5 space, sc in next ch 5 space ( between the
petals made in the previous row). Repeat from * 10 times. (11 total repeats)

Row 3: *Ch 5, dtr in next dtr, ch 5, (3dtr cluster, ch 5, 3dtr cluster) in the opening at the center of the
flower (top of the 3rd 3dtr cluster below), ch 5, dtr in next dtr, ch 5, sc in next sc. repeat from
* 11 times. (11 total repeats)

Jennifer Conner ©2014

Row 4: Ch 1, slip stitch across (4 ch, dtr, 5 ch, 3dtr cluster, 2 ch), sc in same ch 5 space as last 2 sl st,
Repeat row 2 from * 9 times. (10 total repeats) (The slips stitches in the beginning of the even
rows create a decrease on the even rows only)

Row 5: Repeat row 3 from * 10 times. (10 total repeats)

Row 6: Ch 1, slip stitch across (4 ch, dtr, 5 ch, 3dtr cluster, 2 ch), sc in same ch 5 space as last 2 sl st,
Repeat row 2 from * 8 times. (9 total repeats)

Row 7: Repeat row 3 from * 9 times. (9 total repeats)

Row 8: Ch 1, slip stitch across (4 ch, dtr, 5 ch, 3dtr cluster, 2 ch), sc in same ch 5 space as last 2 sl st,
Repeat row 2 from * 7 times. (8 total repeats)

Row 9: Repeat row 3 from * 8 times. (8 total repeats)

Row 10: Ch 1, slip stitch across (4 ch, dtr, 5 ch, 3dtr cluster, 2 ch), sc in same ch 5 space as last 2 sl st,
Repeat row 2 from * 6 times. (7 total repeats)

Row 11: Repeat row 3 from * 7 times. (7 total repeats)

Row 12: Ch 1, slip stitch across (4 ch, dtr, 5 ch, 3dtr cluster, 2 ch), sc in same ch 5 space as last 2 sl st,
Repeat row 2 from * 5 times. (6 total repeats)

Row 13: Repeat row 3 from * 6 times. (6 total repeats)

Row 14: Ch 1, slip stitch across (4 ch, dtr, 5 ch, 3dtr cluster, 2 ch), sc in same ch 5 space as last 2 sl st,
Repeat row 2 from * 4 times. (5 total repeats)

Row 15: Repeat row 3 from * 5 times. (5 total repeats)

Weave in ends, Don’t forget to block, lace Always looks its best when you do.
Please do not redistribute or copy this pattern without written permission.

© Jennifer Conner 2014

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