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Pushing them into the back of vehicles and disguising them to let them

appear to be something they are not, so we can carry them like a lamb to the

slather. You may be wondering what I am speaking about? this is no other than

predial larceny, this is the theft of agricultural produce or livestock from a farm or

estate. The reason why I choose this topic is that I would like to become a chef,

and because of the uncertified crops that are being integrated into the domestic

food chain, customers are being affected and chefs are being blamed for poor food

preparation skills in the establishments I would like be employed in. Predial

larceny is no longer a man stealing to provide subsistence for his family No! This

has become one of the most organized crimes throughout Jamaica and while it

increases by the minute, our country is falling into debt even as I speak. We should

ensure that our Jamaican farmers reap what they grow, because they should reap

success for their labor. During my research I found difficulties in distributing

questionnaires , because my sources were busy and couldn’t find the time to

participate in answering the questions.

An article written by the Ministry of agriculture which is a reliable source of

information, because of the level of authority on the topic, “Says that the potential

public health and subsequent industry consequences, when uncertified crops or

livestock meats are integrated into the domestic food chain”. predial larceny has a
domino effect on the society as a whole of these small or petty thieves ,who have

organized systems for theft and disposal of food . We have become a part of what

appears to be a national system , not to mention the loss of employment and

production, As farmers reduce output or leave the sector altogether due to the

strain that this crime combined with other agricultural challenges, the farmers

income and consequently profits and livelihoods are all affected, they suffer from a

result of this heinous crime, Jamaicans due to this we push ourselves in financial

strain or difficulty, because we are afraid to stand up and fight against this crime

called predial larceny.

In an article by the Jamaica Gleaner it is stated that “between Januarys 2014

and janurary2015, 873 incidents of farm theft were reported” perhaps if you are not

a producer the full impact of this crime is hard to understand, let me put it in a

simpler form imagine you put out your work for months on your IA, and then you

realize that it is lost or got stolen, the hard work you put out for good grades is

taken by someone who now reaps from your success, that is what predial larceny

means in our case. Let us not forget that these incidents sometimes are not dealt

with so these cases are not resolved, leaving the victims in debt and unable to

finance themselves throughout that time. not only the victims of this crime are

impacted but also the country.

When people steal agricultural products the country’s export level decreases,

leaving the economy in more trouble than we already are. These agricultural

supplies are the main source of food for our society, the country is suffering and so

are we. The agricultural sector is becoming only a sector because there is no

agriculture. Agricultural produce which is not being used for agricultural

purposes ,but to make money for thieves who have no partnership in making these

goods .They just want to reap success from individual’s hard work, who don’t even

see where their next meal is coming from. Because of this crime, and this makes

Jamaica fall into more poverty.

Do you ever wonder when they apprehend these criminals, what are the

charges they are given . The only thing that these criminals get is a petty fee of five

hundred dollars ,Jamaican that is (500.00)? A fine of that which is compared with

the money we get for school, only a day’s money! . How can five hundred dollars

that can sustain you for a day, make up for months and years of hard work, and no

these victims are not given anything to make up for these losses.

In closing, Is Predial larceny still a crime that should be swept under the carpet?,

Are we as citizens of this country, going to let our farmers work and never reap

success from their labor? Are we letting this heinous crime be under looked

because we are not the victims or are we?.

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