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Date: 4/20/2021

To: Charles Koemer, Costumer Service

From: Matias Belmonte, Consultant

Subject: Costumer Service Advice

Due to the importance and impact that customer service has nowadays, and the amount of
competition and great services provided by different organizations, it is essential for your
organization’s success, to be on top of the food chain providing impeccable customer service for
your clients. For the past couple of weeks I have analyzed and understood the way customer
service is being provided in your organization, and I feel I could help you improve it with just a
few minor changes; that could potentially have a massive impact for your organization.

The purpose of this is to be able to provide this impeccable customer service experience
for your customers. Your employees must be highly motivated and must be in a friendly and safe
working environment.

“Belonging needs” and “Self actualization needs

The main and most important point to having a great costumer service is having a highly
motivated team. As found in 1943 by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, it stated that belonging needs
and self-actualization needs mean (Maslow, 13). It means that having a good relationship with
your coworkers and having a friendly competitive environment will highly motivate your team
and boost the overall customer service your organization is providing. There is no I in team, and
that is why we mention a friendly competition.

Some of the easiest ways to making your employees feel the belonging of needs in the
organization are simpler than what you think. Some examples are celebrating their birthdays,
after office dinners, or surprising your employees with a breakfast. This is proven to boost their
productivity due to them feeling involved and that they belong part of the organization.
Rewarding your employers for their good job is essential because they will feel recognized. You
as the leader of the organization must understand. That their success is your success.

A friendly and safe work environment is proven to increase productivity and will help
deliver a better customer service for your costumers. And that is exactly what I am going to talk
about next.
Friendly and Safe Work-environment

According to Roger Power, creator of the article 10 reasons why it is important to create
a happy workplace, it is important for all of your employees to feel safe at all times when they
are in their workplace. “Happiness is contagious and, when encouraged, can spread throughout
an entire company. Employees who take joy in their work make excellent role models for their
fellow workers and encourage them to also take joy in their work.”(Power, 2). This can be easily
reached by having well distributed offices, also having protocols that will prevent and fight
against sexual harassment in the office are very important for the safety of the organization and
its employees.

It is also important for you as a leader in your organization to check on the well-being of
your employees. It is not uncommon for stress created by family members or their personal
household to be holding them back during their working time. Stressed employees are more
likely to burn out and you want to avoid that because it only brings a negative energy to the
whole office; also decreasing productivity.

“Positive, fully engaged employees are more willing to support fellow workers and to
provide positive support and encouragement for group projects. And happy employees are more
likely to ask for support if it is needed” (Power, 3) By making your employees feel safe in the
workplace they will be more likely to be stressed free and perform better. They will also be more
propense to help co-workers in need. These actions will only promote wont thing, teamwork.
Teamwork makes dreamwork, and that will definitely increase the customer service you provide.

Motivation and a safe and happily work environment Will improve exponentially your
customer service. It will easily do so by creating better relations between your employees
helping them work and think as a team. In the making them feel safe while working has been
proven to increase their productivity.

To conclude, you have to be on top of your employees all the time. This means you have
to know how the dynamics of the office and the type of relationships that your employees are
caring. Rewarding their success will only keep them motivated and always remember that their
success is your success; which comes tied with Maslow’s “Belonging needs.” A motivated team
will always know they have career growth options boosting their productivity as stated by
Maslow’s self-actualization needs.
Works Cited

Mcleod, S. (2020, December 29). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved from

Power, R. (2016, November 21). 10 Reasons Why It Is Important Create a Happy

Workplace. Retrieved from


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